Top 10 Cloud Predictions for 2020 and Beyond

Last year, 2018, was remarkable for cloud computing with the burst of tech advances which laid a completely new standard for its adoption. The impact and volume of these changes have coerced firms to rethink the way to define the cloud to achieve their business goals. Looking forward to cloud predictions for 2020, many organizations will concentrate on shifting cloud strategies towards the future of cloud computing.

Such strategies will transform into the application of new and innovative services like analytics, blockchain and AI to that data; integrating data with external data sets and across the enterprise; extracting valuable data from their business processes. 

Top 10 Cloud Predictions for 2020

Cloud predictions are such that organizations will require a multi-cloud approach and hybrid environment made up of the best infrastructure and tools. This is necessary to get the job done more efficiently. With the cloud predictions of 2020, big enterprises will expend considerable resources on maintenance and creating a hybrid cloud environment. Businesses will modernize their data infrastructure. Efforts will be taken towards processing a standard part of any cloud migration and automation.

As per cloud predictions, the new environment will bring fresh challenges to firms. Companies will have to evolve to find the best way to leverage the cloud to be keeping an eye on trends of cloud computing. The following are the cloud trends for 2020 that will possibly gain momentum in the cloud journey of different enterprises.

1. Hybrid multi-cloud architectures will take the place of “one-cloud-perfectly-fits-all” approach

Around 20 % of the business methods have already shifted to the innovative edge of the cloud. While 80 percent comprises sensitive data and critical mission subjected workloads, these tasks are still dependent on-premises due to regulatory and performance requirements. Many of the organizations will move from “one-cloud-perfectly-fits-all” in the next phase of their cloud journey.

The public cloud might be important in accelerating the digital transformation with an effective cost. However, various enterprise-related data centers are not going anywhere and nor they should go. Every workload generally is not a candidate in relation to the public system of the cloud. Big businesses will try to make the most through their cloud investments taking a multi-cloud hybrid approach. 

Also Read: Benefits of Hybrid Cloud

2. All Companies will encourage open framed cloud technology

Many bigger companies are already embracing the open-source concept to avoid lock-in. This also gives them a choice to select from a segment of more vendors. Open technology will enable interoperability and management of data, platforms, and applications. Open framed technology projects attract the biggest ecosystem and major segment of expansive markets.

One of the cloud predictions for 2020 is that more advanced firms will determine new opportunities related to the containers. This is possible through using the open-source network of Kubernetes to make clusters that support microservices in multiple clouds. These open management tools are important for updating, securing and administering those clusters in the coming time.

3. Cloud culture and skills will act as the fundamentals of cloud adoption

IT firms will go through a cultural shift in their way of work as they embrace a hybrid multi-cloud approach. This is one of the most sought after cloud predictions in the coming year. They will require teams who know data integration and API management best practices, new skill sets such as cross-platform tool and automation experience.

Job titles like cloud automation engineer, service broker, cloud project manager, and cloud architect will become common. These jobs will become popular to manage the emerging hybrid network of cloud environments.

4. With increased cloud adoption, developers must ensure security first

Those days are gone when an app developer and security was put in it to protect it fully. Now firms are entering the other phase on the basis of cloud computing predictions. They will use a mixture of on-premise IT, public and private clouds. Many enterprises often manage between 5 to 16 cloud vendors. This can lead to introducing new vulnerabilities and risks because of the lack of visibility, control, and consistent management of the threat of apps and data.

Developers can help in overcoming these challenges. They can integrate the security much earlier in the development procedure of an app and can ensure cloud security. A DevSecOps system will begin taking its place in your enterprise. Incorporating the best security practices in every phase of the app deployment and design will bring better protection, control and application visibility.

Also Read: Top Cloud Security Certifications

5. A burst of the new edge of computing

With the ever-expanding convergence of Telco and IT, it will bring the edge computing on to the top in 2020. This is one of the biggest trends for cloud computing and will change the face of the coming era. It will create a new surge of opportunities for firms to use computing power and new technologies. Edge computing’s value and scale will also increase. Companies will drive towards innovation, reduce response time in the low bandwidth places and expand automation.

Hybrid based cloud platforms and software-related networks will raise the use of edge networks. This will give the companies the power to analyze, harvest and protect important data from cameras, sensors, and various pieces of industry-related equipment. Interoperable technology means that the edge locations will stay in synchronization with the cloud to make sure there’s a stable experience throughout. Companies are entering the coming phase of the cloud rapidly. It is an exciting period to find opportunities in the IT industry.

6. Additional AI to eliminate the human error

Various Data centers consist of thousands of speedily moving parts like the power system, the cooling system, and connecting the network. Most of it has been configured manually up until now and left alone at one place. However, there exists a class of newly designed AI which makes AI responsible for optimizing the entire equipment with endless adjustment and monitoring. Our daily life is full of human errors, but with Al technology, you can easily address the process variability, and you can improve the weakness. This is one of the cloud predictions that can eliminate the chances of human error.

7. The growth of Data-center will continue

The computing demands are more than ever now, and data centers are not going anywhere. Especially when it comes to the introduction of AI, the cloud might have its own downside. All big data centers will be repurposed with the changing time. Some workloads will shift to the providers of the public cloud while others will be allotted to the intuitive data center now. This involves huge data sets like AI/ML, analytics, BI. It is because shifting to the cloud is quite expensive. Data centers are becoming more powerful and more versatile with the changes over time.

Also Read: Relationship between IoT, Big Data, and Cloud Computing

8. Cloud providers fight for desktops

Microsoft is not the only vendor looking at the desktop as a means of linking to the cloud. All of the big cloud vendors are interested in the virtual desktop market. 2020 will be a year of transition directing the future of cloud computing.

9. Google and AWS focus on hybrid cloud

Google and Web Services of Amazon entered the market of cloud with no sales pitch and no legacy of pure and accessible cloud play. IBM and Microsoft have a legacy base which is installed with software and pitched as a hybrid cloud. This strikes a perfect balance between the on-premise and cloud systems. This enables Microsoft in rocketing to the second position in the whole cloud market soon enough. AWS has launched a raft of new on-premises offerings while Google is shoring up it is on-premises services. Google has also hired an ex-Oracle cloud chief Thomas Kurian.

10. Serverless computing and Microservices take off

You need a complete instance of an operating system that can restrict the vivid use of VMs running on the server. The solution to this is microservices and containers on extreme and serverless computing. The size of the container can be 10 MB also. It also has a memory of a few GB for a complete virtual machine, serverless.

Serverless, containers and modular pieces will become even more lucrative not in the on-premises and cloud as apps go from monolithic to smaller. One of the keys to the huge success is that technologies are created with cloud and the system of on-premises in mind. The migration between both of them will help the entire appeal. 

Aspired to enhance your cloud computing knowledge? Follow these top 15 Cloud Computing Blogs to stay tuned with the latest news, trends, articles and more about cloud computing.

Final Words

So, here we reached the end of our list of top cloud computing trends. These cloud predictions of 2020 will solve a wide number of problems related to businesses and will make their presence known to the evolving system of the entire cloud market. The knowledge and adaption as per these trends will also help you to level up your cloud career. 

Besides, validating your skills with one of the top cloud certifications will also bring you one step ahead in your career. If you are preparing for any cloud computing certification, Whizlabs Cloud Certifications Training Courses will prove an invaluable resource in your preparation. Join us now and get certified to cope up the upcoming Cloud computing trends.

Have any questions regarding the latest cloud trends? Just put a comment below or start a discussion in Whizlabs Forum to get answers by the industry experts.

About Pavan Gumaste

Pavan Rao is a programmer / Developer by Profession and Cloud Computing Professional by choice with in-depth knowledge in AWS, Azure, Google Cloud Platform. He helps the organisation figure out what to build, ensure successful delivery, and incorporate user learning to improve the strategy and product further.

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