Whizlabs WhizQuiz

Whizlabs WhizQuiz is Back with More Exciting Prizes!

Whizlabs has come up with another interesting announcement for all of its beloved learners! The Whizlabs WhizQuiz makes a comeback this festive season to light up your academic motivations. The whole world came to an abrupt halt, much to everyone’s disappointment.

However, the times are changing for the better, and the zeal of our valued customers to achieve academic excellence has kept the spirits of Whizlabs high. So, Whizlabs has decided to bring back your favorite, WhizQuiz, on all social media platforms to add a bit of thrill, excitement, and recreation to your academic pursuits. Let us show you what Whizlabs brings on the table with the WhizQuiz this time!

Check Now: Whizlabs Training Courses

What is Whizlabs WhizQuiz?

The Whizlabs WhizQuiz is an innovative approach for engaging your gray cells in the most enjoyable and rewarding manner. It is a social media quiz that is available on various social media channels. Almost every individual utilizing social media channels such as Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn daily could make the most of the WhizQuiz.

This initiative aims to provide an interactive exercise for all individuals who want to test their technical skills across various disciplines. At the same time, participants also have the opportunity to score unique rewards with WhizQuiz.

How to Participate in the WhizQuiz?

The format of the Whizlabs WhizQuiz is quite simple which makes it easy to participate. We will post one question every day (on weekdays, excluding weekends and official leaves at or around 10 AM) on popular social media channels Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn on our official handles on each channel. So, participants don’t have to go through any complicated setup and registration process to participate in the WhizQuiz. All you have to do is follow the official Whizlabs handle on these platforms mentioned above and answer the daily question. Quite simple, isn’t it?

What will the Winners Get in WhizQuiz?

The Whizlabs WhizQuiz winners would be declared as – one winner every week and one winner every month. So, participants with regular and active involvement in the WhizQuiz with correct answers are more likely to score a winning chance. The weekly winner, known as the ‘Wizard of the Week,’ participating across different social media channels, would get the opportunity to earn Whizlabs Annual Subscription.

The Whizlabs Annual Subscription is a yearly plan for all learners to access all the training courses, hands-on labs, and practice tests available on Whizlabs. The weekly winner of WhizQuiz can leverage their win to capitalize on the various learning resources and training materials and improve their expertise in desired technologies or domains.

The monthly winner, termed as the “Wizard of the Month,” gets the reward of an AWS certification exam voucher worth $300. The winner can use the AWS certification exam voucher to register for their preferred certification exams. Furthermore, WhizQuiz also promises a monthly reward for active participation. Five participants would receive a Whizlabs T-shirt to honor their dedication and commitment to the Whizlabs social media quiz.

Are You Up for the Challenge?

So, get ready to show your academic mettle and zeal for competition with the Whizlabs WhizQuiz. The rewards in the WhizQuiz promise better opportunities for learning with the Whizlabs training courses with the Whizlabs Annual Subscription plan. Also, the AWS certification exam voucher will help you achieve your next AWS certification without paying something. All you have to do is answer one question correctly every day on social media channels.

The selection of winners based on active participation and correctness of answers makes the results impartial to all participants. Furthermore, WhizQuiz is a great way to spend your time in something productive. Don’t wait anymore and grab exciting prizes with loads of fun right now through WhizQuiz!   

About Pavan Gumaste

Pavan Rao is a programmer / Developer by Profession and Cloud Computing Professional by choice with in-depth knowledge in AWS, Azure, Google Cloud Platform. He helps the organisation figure out what to build, ensure successful delivery, and incorporate user learning to improve the strategy and product further.

3 thoughts on “Whizlabs WhizQuiz is Back with More Exciting Prizes!”

    1. The WhizQuiz is running on our social channels (Twitter, Linkedin, and Facebook). Please participate and get a chance to win 🙂

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