Search Results for: SageMaker

Comparing Machine Learning as a Service: Amazon, Microsoft Azure, Google Cloud AI

Machine learning is one of the important technologies that has been changing the way businesses operate in present times. Now, the majority of enterprises assume machine learning as a topic similar to rocket science. Enterprises see high costs and skill requirements, with machine learning as the foremost barrier in its adoption. However, the delivery of machine learning as a service (MLaaS) can support enterprises in starting up a machine learning initiative. So, the candidates with a good knowledge of machine learning tools are in high demand. MLaaS offers a wide range of services that provide artificial intelligence (AI) tools in […]

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AWS cheat sheet

Exploring the Basics of AWS: AWS Cheat Sheet

Cloud computing has taken away a major share of the burden on modern organizations for building and maintaining data centers. As a result, companies have discovered new approaches for cost reduction alongside the benefits of scalability and efficiency. AWS is still known for being the pioneer in providing affordable cloud infrastructure and services on a large scale. The following discussion will illustrate an AWS cheat sheet. This cheat sheet is not sufficient for mastering AWS. However, this cheat sheet can be the ideal instrument for learning everything about AWS terms before you venture into AWS. Individuals looking for careers in

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AWS Deep Learning

Understanding Deep Learning on AWS

In present times, Machine Learning (ML) and Artificial Intelligence (AI) are very popular topics. Generally, you can find these terms almost everywhere in the computing world. But have you heard about AWS deep learning? Deep learning is also an emergent topic that is turning many heads in the present business landscape. With the help of machine learning, we are now able to help machines learn from datasets rather than code fed to them. This is probably one of the oldest pursuits of human civilization, i.e., to make machines learn by themselves. Deep learning takes the game of machine learning to

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Amazon Machine Learning

Introduction to Amazon Machine Learning

The capability of the human brain for learning is indisputable. We tend to learn many things from our surrounding events which form our knowledge base. The “knowledge base” helps improve our capability to predict outcomes based on past experiences. So, if we can develop our intelligence by using experience, why should computers fall behind? Machine learning is a tool for developing useful artificial intelligence. Amazon Machine learning is one of the leading topics in today’s technological landscape. The popularity of Amazon in the online retail sector as well as the cloud computing sector support its credibility. Therefore, Amazon ML presents

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