salesforce administrator certification

25 Free Question on Salesforce Administrator Certification

Are you looking for free test questions for the Salesforce Administrator Certification exam?

Earning the Salesforce Administrator Certification requires you to have an understanding of Salesforce Customization, user management, platform configuration, and various means of exploring its features and capabilities. Check out these curated Practice Questions for easy exam assessment.

Domain : Security and Access

Q1 : Sales Ops administrator created an opportunity list view and she wants to share it with one of the sales managers, but she is not able to see an option on how to share this list view. How can Salesforce admin resolve this issue?

A. Salesforce admin needs to make sure that the Sales Ops profile has created and customize list view permission
B. Salesforce admin needs to make sure that private view permission set is assigned to Sales Ops
C. Salesforce admin needs to make sure that the Sales Ops has read and write permissions on the account object
D. Salesforce admin needs to make sure that the Sales Ops admin has managed public list views permission

Correct Answer: D


As a Salesforce admin or a user, with the Manage Public List View permission, you can hide the list view, so only you can see it. Open the list view. Select Visible to certain groups of users. Choose the type of group or role from the dropdown list, select the group or role from the list, then click Add. Enterprise, Unlimited, Performance, and Developer Edition users can give access to a public group or role, including all users below that role.  List views are visible to your community users with Customer Community Plus, Partner Community, Lightning Platform Starter, and Lightning Platform Plus licenses, if Visible to all users setting is enabled for views of objects in community user profiles. To make list views visible only to your Salesforce users, select Visible to certain groups of users. Then share the view with the All Internal Users group or a selected set of internal groups and roles.

Option A is incorrect because create and customize view permission will allow you to edit list views only and it doesn’t have give the permission to share it
Option B is incorrect because private view permission doesn’t exist.
Option C is incorrect because the permissions on an object are different than list view permissions.


Salesforce Permission sets

Domain : Security and Access

Q2 : Which of the following is required for the role hierarchy to work?

A. The object should have the grant access using hierarchies enabled in the organization wide default
B. The record should be owned by a user that have a subordinate role
C. The object should have the grant access using hierarchies disabled in the organization wide default
D. The record should not be owned by a user that have a subordinate role

Correct Answers: A and B


For the role hierarchy to work, the object should have the granted access using hierarchies enabled in the organization-wide default and the record should be owned by a user that has a subordinate role.

Option C is incorrect. If the grant access using hierarchies is disabled then the role hierarchy cannot be used, and it will not be considered.
Option D is incorrect because the role hierarchy opens up access and the higher role will be able to access his team records, so the record should be owned by a user who has a subordinate role.



Domain : Standard and Custom Objects

Q3 : Which of the following statements are true regarding the deletion of a custom field?

A. You cannot delete a custom field that is referenced elsewhere
B. Once you delete a custom field all data will be permanently deleted
C. You have up to 15 days to restore the custom field and all the data stored
D. You can only deactivate a custom field

Correct Answers: A and C


To delete custom fields, they shouldn’t be referenced elsewhere. Deleted custom fields and their data are stored until your org permanently deletes them or 15 days has elapsed, whatever happens first. Until that time, you can restore the field and its data. There is no option in Salesforce to deactivate a custom field but you can deactivate the value of a picklist field.



Domain : Standard and Custom Objects

Q4 : The compact layout allows you to control the highlight panel on Salesforce classic like Salesforce lightning.

A. True
B. False

Correct Answer: B


The compact layout works only in the lightning experience and it allows you to add fields highlighted at a glance. The highlight panel section that exists in the page layout editor, controls the highlights panel in Salesforce classic only and it doesn’t have any use in lightning.



Domain : Sales and Marketing Applications

Q5 : Opportunity owner can be deleted from the opportunity team.

A. True
B. False

Correct Answer: B


You cannot delete the opportunity owner from the opportunity team.



Domain : Sales and Marketing Applications

Q6 : You can use opportunity teams for private opportunities.

A. True
B. False

Correct Answer: B


For private opportunities, you cannot use opportunity teams.



Domain : Service and Support Applications

Q7 : Salesforce child cases are automatically closed when a parent case is closed.

A. True
B. False

Correct Answer: B


Salesforce child cases are not automatically closed when a parent case is closed. If you need this functionality, you will need to check the AppExchange.



Domain : Data Management

Q8 : How can Salesforce Admin ensure that all Salesforce data is backed up every week?

A. Import Wizard
B. Apex Data Loader
C. Export Wizard
D. Weekly Data Export

Correct Answer: D


You can generate backup files manually once every 7 days (for weekly export) or 29 days (for monthly export). In Professional Edition and Developer Edition, you can generate backup files only every 29 days. You can schedule backup files to generate automatically at weekly or monthly intervals (only monthly intervals are available in Professional Edition and Developer Edition). 

Option A is incorrect because the import wizard makes it easy to import data for many standard Salesforce objects, including accounts, contacts, leads, solutions, campaign members, and person accounts. 
Option B is incorrect because Data Loader is a client application for the bulk import or export of data. Use it to insert, update, delete, or export Salesforce records.
Option C is incorrect because it only lets you export all the records for a specific object. You could also use reports to export data. 


Salesforce Data Management Platform Salesforce

Domain : User Setup

Q9 : Email Templates folders in Salesforce can grant permissions to different sets of users. Which feature is not available when sharing Email Template folders?

A. Public Groups
B. Roles
C. Roles and Subordinates
D. Profiles

Correct Answer: D


When accessing a folder for any email template you don’t have an option to share per profile.

Other options are incorrect because you share email templates folder through Public Groups, Roles and Roles and Subordinates.



Domain : Security and Access

Q10 : Universal Container’s Salesforce Admin set the organization wide default for the account object to private and the role hierarchy is enabled. Later, another request came from the sales VP to open access to another role that is not on the role hierarchy tree division or branch? What would the Salesforce Admin do to extend the access?

A. Manual Sharing can be used to extend access to another role
B. Permission set can be created to extend access to another role
C. Field level security can be used to extend access to another role
D. Sharing rules can be used to extend access to another role

Correct Answer: D


Sharing rules can be used to extend access to roles. Sharing rules can be used to extend access to roles, roles and subordinates, public groups or for a manager of a group or the subordinate group manager or sharing files can be used to provide access based on the record criteria. So, through sharing rules, you have two options to extend the access – there is the record owner or the record criteria.

Option A is incorrect because manual sharing provides sharing for one user.
Option B is incorrect because permission set cannot be assigned to a role.
Option C is incorrect because field level security is used to restrict access to a field.



Domain : Security and Access

Q11 : Universal Container supports user needs to view a custom object called Account Review. His profile doesn’t have access to view it. What should the Salesforce Admin do to provide him access to this custom object?

A. Create a permission set and assign the user to it
B. Create another profile and assign it to the user
C. Create a workflow rule
D. Create a process builder

Correct Answer: A


Option B is incorrect because creating another profile is not a good solution. This will end up having too many profiles in the system that will create a lot of confusion.
Option C and D are incorrect because workflow rules and process builder are used to automate a certain business process.



Domain : Standard and Custom Objects

Q12 : Universal Container’s Salesforce admin is working with Salesforce developers on a new project. During the meeting, they were discussing the importance of Metadata API. What do you think can this tool do?

A. Create, update, and delete standard objects and fields programmatically
B. Create, update, and delete custom objects and fields programmatically
C. Create and update standard objects
D. Create and update custom objects

Correct Answer: B


Metadata API gives you the ability to create, update, and delete custom objects and fields programmatically. Metadata API can be accessed through IDE or anti-migration tool.

Option A is incorrect because the fields and objects should be custom not standard.
Option C is incorrect because it should be custom objects
Option D is incorrect because it can create, update, and delete not only create and update the custom objects



Domain : Sales and Marketing Applications

Q13 : Universal Container’s Salesforce Admin is working on defining and creating the list of opportunity competitors in Salesforce lightning. How could this be done?

A. Opportunity competitors are not available in lightning
B. Add the picklist values as competitors through setup, then opportunity then competitors
C. Enable the opportunity competitor through opportunity setting
D. Create a list view on the opportunity page

Correct Answer: A


Opportunity competitor is not available in Salesforce lightning.

Option B is incorrect because adding the picklist values for competitors is done through Salesforce classic.
Option C is incorrect because the opportunity competitor cannot be enabled through opportunity whether it is Salesforce lightning or classic.
Option D is incorrect because, in Salesforce classic, the opportunity competitor is a list view on the opportunity page.



Domain : Sales and Marketing Applications

Q14 : Universal Container sells both classic and lightning products to its customers. What should the Salesforce Admin use to categorize the company product?

A. Product family
B. Product Classic
C. Product Lightning
D. None of the above

Correct Answer: A


The use of product family picklist will allow the Salesforce Admin to classify the company product under two categories.

Option B is incorrect because it is taking only one product into consideration.
Option C is incorrect because it is taking only one product into consideration.
Option D is incorrect product family picklist can categorize the company product.



Domain : Service and Support Applications

Q15 : Universal Container’s Salesforce Admin has enabled knowledge in lightning for his company org. What will happen because of enabling the knowledge in lightning?

A. Once enabled in lightning, knowledge cannot be disabled
B. Once enabled in lightning, knowledge will appear in the object manager
C. Once enabled in lightning, all classic knowledge articles will be automatically deleted
D. Once enabled in lightning, knowledge can be disabled

Correct Answers: A and B


Option C is incorrect because once knowledge articles are enabled in lightning, classic knowledge articles will not be automatically deleted because part of enabling knowledge articles in lightning is migrating all the articles from classic to lightning.
Option D is incorrect because once enabled in lightning, knowledge cannot be disabled.



Domain : Activity Management and Collaboration

Q16 : Which of the following objects shows the activity timeline in Salesforce?

A. Opportunities
B. Leads
C. My personal settings
D. User Setup

Correct Answers: A and B


Activity timeline is shown on the opportunities, leads, accounts, and contacts in Salesforce

Option C is incorrect because my personal settings are related to the user’s personal information.
Option D is incorrect because the setup is related to creating a Salesforce user.



Domain : User Setup

Q17 : Universal Container finance department has requested from the Salesforce admin to establish case rules so that billing cases are routed to the correct queue. How can the Salesforce admin achieve this?

A. Create Assignment Rules
B. Create Workflow Rule
C. Create Process Builder
D. Create formula field

Correct Answer: A


Assignment rules define conditions that determine how leads or cases are processed. From setup access Queues in the quick find box then select queues the click new and complete all the details for a new queue then add queue members. Then Then add a new rule entry to the Standard Case Assignment rule to route billing cases to the Billing Support Agents queue.

Option B is incorrect because workflow is a way to automate certain business processes. You can create a rule and based on certain criteria that you set.
Option C is incorrect because process builder is a point-and-click tool that lets you easily automate if/then business processes and see a graphical representation of your process as you build it.
Option D is incorrect because formula fields are read only field whose value is evaluated from the formula or expression defined by us.


salesforce setup steps

Domain : Security and Access

Q18 : Universal Container’s Salesforce Admin user has Salesforce as the identity provider for one of the connected apps. What will happen when the Salesforce Admin user logs out of Salesforce with a single logout?

A. The user will stay logged in to the connected apps
B. The user will be automatically logged out of the connected apps
C. Salesforce has single sign on only, it doesn’t have single logout option
D. Single logout doesn’t interfere with connected apps

Correct Answer: B


Using single logout, users will be automatically logout from all the connected apps when he logs out of the Salesforce. This single logout feature can increase security and usability. So, once a user logs out from a single application, all other application will automatically log the user out.

Option A is incorrect because users can’t stay logged in to the connected apps. With the single logout, users are logged out of all connected apps.
Option C is incorrect because Salesforce has both single sign in and single logout.
Option D is incorrect because single logout is related to the connected apps.



Domain : Security and Access

Q19 : Which of the following feature license does the only user require to create and publish sites and edit site’s content?

A. Publisher Feature license
B. Site.Com Contributor feature license
C. edit feature license
D. creation feature license

Correct Answers: A and B

Explanation only user needs to have publish feature license to be able to create and publish sites and contributor feature license to edit site’s content.

Option C and D are incorrect because there is nothing called edit feature license and creation feature license.



Domain : Standard and Custom Objects

Q20 : Universal Container’s Sales reps were storing information about individual people who is a consumer in their business. Which type of Salesforce account are they using?

A. Business Account
B. Person Account
C. Group Account
D. Customer Account

Correct Answer: B


Person Account provides a way to store information about individual people which is different than the business account that is used to store information about companies.

Option A is incorrect because Business accounts are used to store information about companies.
Options C and D are incorrect because Salesforce has two types of accounts person and business account. They don’t have any accounts called group account or customer account. You can always add a type field on your account to recognize customer account but when you create an account you have the option to create a person account if it’s enabled in your org or business account.



Domain : Sales and Marketing Applications

Q21 : What should you do if the add to campaign button is disabled in one of your reports?

A. Modify your report to return fewer than 100,000 records
B. Modify your report to return fewer than 150,000 records
C. Modify your report to return fewer than 50,000 records
D. None of the above

Correct Answer: C


If the add to campaign button has been disabled in one of the reports then the report needs to be modified so that it can return less than 50,000 records.

Other options are incorrect because they don’t meet the value being less than 50,000 records.



Domain : Service and Support Applications

Q22 : How can Universal Container’s Salesforce Admin capture the company cases through a web form so that a case is created whenever someone submits information on any of their webpages?

A. Generate Web to Case HTML code and insert it on the company website
B. Enable the webform on the support settings
C. Create Case Escalation Rule
D. Develop a Case Trigger

Correct Answer: A


Generating web to case HTML code and inserting it on the company website will allow the company to capture cases in a web form. So, whenever someone submits any request through the website form, a case will be created.

Option B is incorrect because there is no option to enable the web form on the support settings.
Option C is incorrect because case escalation rules determine when a case should be escalated.
Option D is incorrect because case triggers define the apex triggers for cases.



Domain : Data Management

Q23 : What happens during merging contacts that have contact roles on non-master contacts associated with them?

A. Contact roles are merged when contacts are merged
B. Contact roles will lose their status as the primary contact
C. An error will display prompting you to select the contact role
D. Contact roles will hold the two values from each contact

Correct Answer: B


Contact roles on non-master contacts will lose their status as primary contacts when contacts are merged.

Option A is incorrect because contact roles will not be merged
Option C is incorrect because we will not have any error related to the contact roles
Option D is incorrect because a contact role will not be able to hold the two values from each contact upon merging.



Domain : Analytics—Reports and Dashboards

Q24 : Universal Container’s Sales ops don’t want to create any dashboard, but she wants to view a chart on her report. What should she create to meet her requirement?

A. Report Charts
B. This is not possible as the user will need to create a dashboard
C. Report Components
D. Build Report Chart report type

Correct Answer: A


Report charts are the best option for users to add a chart to a report without the need of creating a dashboard. Report charts give you the ability to add one single chart.

Option B is incorrect because this is possible with report charts
Option C is incorrect because there is nothing called report components, but there are dashboard components.
Option D is incorrect because you build report types for reports, not for report chart.



Domain : Desktop and Mobile Administration

Q25 : Push notifications related to the community are not available within the Salesforce mobile app.

A. Yes
B. No

Correct Answer: A


Salesforce communities have full features through the website. But through the mobile apps, there are some limitations where push notifications are not supported yet.



Hope we were able to help you get an overview of the Salesforce Administrator Certification. If you find these free test questions helpful, go for more unique Practice Test Questions. The more you practice, the better you perform in the actual Salesforce certification exam. Stay tuned for more such questions!

About Sweta Singhal

Sweta is a Technical Author at Whizlabs. She has been a Systems Engineer, a GATE qualified professional, and has worked with multiple organisations including Infosys, Accenture and Google. She stays updated with the new technologies, polishing and tuning her skills and knowledge, providing technical insights to the novice learners. Her writing is clear and precise that explains on-demand technologies with brevity.

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