
Project Management Processes Project management is the application of knowledge, skills, tools and techniques to project activities to meet the project requirements. This application of knowledge requires the effective management of the project management processes. PMBOK5 Guide describe the nature of PM Processes in terms of Integration between the processes Their interactions Purpose they serve PM Process are grouped in five categories Initiation Process group (Start): Define a new project by obtaining authorization to start the project. Planning Process group (Plan): Establish the project scope, refine the objective and define the plan of action. Executing Process group (Do): Complete the […]

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Enterprise Environmental Factors and Their Influence

Enterprise Environmental Factors The enterprise environmental factors are related to the environment internal or external to the performing organizations and can potentially impact the project. They may originate from within the performing organization, from any external organization participating in the project, or from both. These factors may have positive or negative influence on the project, and some of these factors may give rise to constraints for the project. These factors refer to conditions which are not under the control of the project team and that influence constraints or direct the project. EEF mostly used input in planning process group. E.E.F

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Organizational Process

Organizational process assets Organizational process assets tell you about how your company normally runs its projects. There is a famous saying “Why re-invent the wheel”. The saying is quite self-explanatory, if there is something already in place, you do not need to create it again. e.g.: If your organizations have already a template of a project management plan from exactly the same kind of project that they have done a while back. Is it wise to use the template and alter it according to your project or create a new one? The project manager and project management team extensively use

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Projectized Organization

At the pinnacle of project management structures is the projectized structure. These organizational types group employees, collocated or not, by activities on a particular project. The project manager in a projectized structure may have complete, or very close to complete, power over the project team. Project managers in a projectized structure enjoy a high level of autonomy over their projects, but also have a higher level of responsibility regarding the project’s success. Project managers in a projectized structure have the following attributes: High to complete authority over the project team Works full-time on the project with his team (though there

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Matrix Organizations

Matrix Organizational Structure – A Complete Guide

This form of organization is helpful in maximizing the strength of both the functional and projectized structures. When it comes to matrix organization, think “Two Bosses”. Team reports to both functional and project manager. Communication also flows from team to two bosses. Team needs to work in project work as well as routine work. Matrix organization is blend of functional and projectized organization. Try Our Project Management Professional (PMP)® Certification Free Test Matrix Organizational Structure There are three types of matrix organizations: Weak Matrix Organization Balance Matrix Organization Strong Matrix Organization The power of the project manager differs in these three

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Functional Organization

Organizational Influences on Project Management: Your approach on project management may vary based on the type of Organizational that you are working for. Organizations may be structured in a traditional or functional manner or a Projectized structure. Your project manager authority and resource availability will depend on type of organization. Organization culture, style, and structure influence how projects are performed. An organizations degree of project maturity and its project management systems can also influence the project. As a project manager you should know under what type of organization you are working. It is very imperative for a project manager to

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Defining and Identifying Organizational Type

Organizational Influences on Project Management: Your approach on project management may vary based on the type of Organization you working for. Organizations may be structured in a traditional or functional manner or in a Projectized structure. Your project manager authority and resource availability will depend on the given type of organization. Organization culture, style, and structure influence how projects are performed. An organizations degree of project maturity and its project management systems can also influence the project. As a project manager you should know under what type of organization you are working. It is very imperative for a project manager

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Business Needs & Value realization

Business Needs & Value realization It is the basic quality required with every PM, which he should first understand why a project is being undertaken and performed, what is expected from the project? How the value is realized after project completion? …etc., without having such understanding, a PM cannot guide or direct project teams. This article will give you a start to think in those terms and better execute the project. Projects are initiated due to internal Business needs or external influences. These needs or influences often trigger the creation of needs analysis, feasibility study, business case, or description of

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Social & Political Influences on project management

Project Management is a bridging role between the requesting organization, performing organization and also the society. As there will be influences and interests from requesting organization, there will be demands and influences from society also. In fact society is the user of majority of the project outcomes in the world. This article will give information on what are such social and political influences a PM should be aware of. Most project managers in their early years ignore politics surrounding their projects with high cost. Why is understanding politics, influence, and conflict management a critical skill for today’s project manager?Now a

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Different Roles in Project management – Covering various Industries

It is very important to every project manager in fact to every person across industries to know about all the possible roles in project management that exist in their respective organizational hierarchy. With the role comes the responsibility. There are tons of responsibilities to execute, things to accomplish and be accountable for. One should have fair knowledge and exposure to all the project manager roles in the organization irrespective of their level and responsibilities. This helps them to understand the different people’s interest in the organization, their scope of authority and power line. Preparing to become a Certified Project Management

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