Managing Relationships With Your Project Board

The two extremely important things helpful in managing your project board are relationship and communication. Relationships are critical between you and the project board. They must trust you. You must come across as credible and reliable. Be very sure regarding the information that you provide to the project board, ensure that it must be accurate and on time, as effective and efficient communication plays an important role building these relationships.

Keep a track of communication, remember while you are communicating with your project board, you’re providing information timely, appropriately, and regularly. That is the board is updated on real time basis so that they’re not finding out things after the fact or being hit with any big surprises later on. Appropriate information means providing them information at the appropriate level. They don’t need to know each and every detail of the project, but they do need high level information to know what’s going on in their project or the projects within their portfolio. And then regularly, providing them regular information. Don’t go on and on for long periods of time without communicating with them, otherwise they’ll begin to wonder what’s happening on the project? As they are critical stakeholders and in addition to this project, they might be planning other projects and these projects are supporting other business goals and objectives.

You have to be results oriented in getting things done on the project. But also you are responsible for working with your project board because they have activities, they have decisions that have to be made. You have to work with them in getting things done in best possible manner. Keep them in loop for all process related emails so that in case of any delay due to lengthy time consuming processes, they know where the actual bottleneck is. Because, these people are generally management level, executive levels within the company with appropriate power and authorities to speed up things as and when required. The process needs to be documented so that they know, all the team members know the consistent documented process. This can help the your current project and other projects in long run.

The project board, have strong relationships not only within the company but outside the company, too, with vendor partners, some of the federal regulations and government entities. When you need to re-prioritize things on a project they’re the people to go to help you in getting things done faster and at times may be in more economical manner. They can be helpful in reprioritization as well so that the project keep moving. They are also the body to go to, if you need decisions made. Maybe, there’s some other decisions that need to be escalated to them to get moving so that you can get other things done and removing barriers. Therefore good relationship with the project board is extremely important and at times turns out to be a key contributor in the success of the project.

About Aditi Malhotra

Aditi Malhotra is the Content Marketing Manager at Whizlabs. Having a Master in Journalism and Mass Communication, she helps businesses stop playing around with Content Marketing and start seeing tangible ROI. A writer by day and a reader by night, she is a fine blend of both reality and fantasy. Apart from her professional commitments, she is also endearing to publish a book authored by her very soon.

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