Importance of certifications

Why Certification is Important for IT Professionals?

Generally, every individual has some sort of unique skills and abilities. However, they always have to provide some sort of proof about their skills and abilities. This is possible through a display of practical experience in using the skills and abilities that you have. For example, if you are skilled at dealing cards, then you have to show it practically every time someone asks proof for it. Now, we can know about the importance of certification here.

If you had a certificate of expertise in dealing cards, then you would not have to go through the trouble of showcasing your card-dealing skills to every person. All you have to do is take out your certificate of expertise and show it to them. The importance of certifications starts right from the academic journey in the initial stages. You get certificates as proof of completing your school education, high school, college, and university education.

Furthermore, certificates help you find jobs with employers you want to work for or showcasing your abilities. Even if all these benefits of certification are generalized, let us take a look at reasons for the importance of certification. The following discussion outlines different pointers that describe how are certifications beneficial.

Check out our certification training courses and make yourself ready to pass the certification exam in the first attempt.

What are the Certifications?

The first aspect of the very importance of certifications is to know what it is! Certifications are the credentials that recognize and validate one’s knowledge and expertise. Certificate programs involve a specific period of education and training. When the period of the certificate program ends, you get a certificate of completion. Certificate programs are suitable for training individuals in a specific task or develop competences in a particular skill. You can get certificates after completing various courses in a specific subject area.

Certificates can include graduate certificates as well as certificates in technical, business, and literature fields. For example, AWS certifications are for cloud computing professionals aspiring for careers in AWS. The same is applicable in the case of Azure certifications by Microsoft.

Understanding the Importance of Certification

Now, we know the basic objective of certifications, and this clears our primary understanding of the importance of certification. Therefore, now we can move towards the outline of the prominent advantages of certification.

  • Improved opportunities for employment

The first and foremost entry among benefits of certification refers to employment prospects. Any certification can help you achieve an advantage when employers take a look at your resume. Nowadays, competition for almost any job is very stiff, and certification shows that you have better knowledge than others.

In some cases, the importance of certification is very high when certification is mandatory criteria for a job. If two candidates having similar backgrounds apply for a specific job position, the certified candidate would have the advantage. Simply put, a certification can ensure that hiring managers give your resume a second look. Definitely a promising way to secure a job, isn’t it?

Looking for career growth? Whether you are a fresher or experienced, demonstrate your skills by getting one of these top IT certifications!

  • Accessing community involvement benefits

Certification is also a prominent tool for involvement in different communities. The benefits of certification help individuals become part of two new communities. The first community involves individuals aspiring and trying for the certification. The second community involves certified professionals. So, you can achieve better chances for networking.

The individuals aspiring for the certification can act as a peer support group where you can contribute and learn at the same time. Certified professionals and subject matter experts in a particular certification could help you with any doubts. Furthermore, you can get reliable guidance, advice on improving your career and information on sources to obtain particular technical knowledge.

  • Better opportunities for retaining your job

The importance of certification for experienced professionals is in the form of job retention prospects. The present volatility in the economic environment forces businesses to find new ways of cutting costs. Therefore, you can face concerns about losing your job in certain cases. In such cases, a certification could help you prove your case for staying on the job for employers. The certification shows your dedication to improving your skill set and knowledge, which implies benefits for employers also. So, you invest in your personal development with a certification.

Earning an AWS certification brings a number of benefits to one’s profile. Check out top AWS certification benefits you may get with an AWS certification!

  • Advancement in your career

Another factor that shows the importance of certification for experienced professionals is the facility of promotions. Individuals who want to progress ahead on the corporate ladder or to a better job with a higher salary need skill-enhancement. Certification helps in learning the new technologies, skills, and abilities for a specific promotion. Earning a new certification or an advanced certification in a particular area of expertise can help in advancing your career.

  • Establishing professional credibility

Professional credibility is one of the foremost factors that shows the importance of certification for freshers. When you earn a specific certification and the subsequent certifications from the same vendor, you can show instant professional credibility. After all, nobody would question the capabilities of an AWS Certified DevOps Engineer or Microsoft Azure Certified Solutions Architect! Furthermore, earning these certifications shows your commitment to achieving professional development. Furthermore, many organizations also provide support for employees to earn certifications for validating their credibility.

  • Productivity and competitive advantage for organizations

Another prominent factor that shows how are certifications beneficial refers to the advantage for organizations. Professional certifications could help individuals to improve their capabilities in addressing a particular job. Therefore, organizations could achieve better productivity with certified professionals. Certification courses help professionals to access advanced training, information, and knowledge on updates tools, technologies, and strategies.

So, organizations could receive notable benefits by supporting employees in improving their professional skills. Also, organizations that encourage employees to pursue professional certifications receive additional credibility in the market. The importance of certification is visible in the form of the reputation of an organization as a supporter of employees’ professional development. These factors validate the two prominent impacts that certifications have on organizations.

Have any doubt if microsoft azure certification is worth it? Go through top 10 reasons to get a Microsoft Azure Certification and clear your doubts.

  • Staying relevant to the existing professional landscape

You should also note that the importance of certification is not limited only to obtaining certification and getting high-paying jobs. Certain certifications require renewal and retention. Recertification is a prominent requisite for maintaining your credentials as a certified professional. For example, Red Hat demands recertification at an interval of three years.

On the other hand, AWS demands recertification at a gap of every two years. The recertification exam may appear as an unnecessary burden. On the contrary, the recertification is ideal for realizing benefits for your employer as well as yourself. Recertification helps professionals cope up with updates in technologies and tools in a particular area. For example, Amazon Web Services introduce new features frequently. So, recertifications help professionals in catching up with improvements in specific technology platforms and keep their skills relevant.

  • Showcasing uniqueness

Certification courses for new products and services could also help in your professional development substantially. The importance of certification is very evident in the case of acquiring expertise in new products and services. For example, the introduction of new specialty certifications by AWS for big data and machine learning creates new employment opportunities. Professionals could focus on obtaining these new certifications. These certifications can help them in becoming subject matter experts on the new offerings.

As a result, such professionals could stand out from the rest of the crowd. Another noticeable improvement that we can note here refers directly to the efforts needed to score such certifications. Generally, newly launched products and services do not have substantial documentation and learning materials. Therefore, candidates have to invest considerable effort and time in clearing such certification exams. Definitely a way to showcase your advantage over others, isn’t it?

  • Driving personal development

The most crucial factor that highlights the importance of certification is personal development. Professionals could pursue certifications for showing their capabilities before employers or to achieve personal goals. Certifications set as personal goals could help in realizing a satisfying experience. It is satisfying to get rewards for your efforts. Certifications drive a feeling of self-motivation, discipline, and commitment, which could be the intangible rewards with certifications.

Are you a DevOps professional, aspired to level up your DevOps career? Here is the list of best DevOps certifications, achieve one and get ahead!

More Advantages of Certification for Organizations

Coming towards the end of our discussion on the importance of certification, it is imperative to focus more on benefits for organizations. As discussed previously, certifications help organizations showcase their commitment to the professional development of employees and increasing their productivity.

However, certified individuals in an organization improve its advantage as a competitor. Also, companies investing heavily in the certification of employees could reap higher ROIs. Subsequently, the organization could also reduce potential risks and expand the organization’s network. Almost 95% of IT managers believe that certifications could provide additional value for an organization.

Furthermore, certifications help in quick evaluation of skill levels, thereby saving time and resources in hiring processes. Another important advantage of certification for businesses refers to the consistency of completing assigned tasks. Certified professionals could ensure better reliability in the execution of organizational processes. Therefore, certification is not only beneficial for professionals but also for organizations.

Also Read: List of Top 5 Highest Paying Cloud Certifications


The importance of certification for freshers and experienced candidates do not bear stark differences and tend to overlap in many cases. However, the most important factor before choosing a particular certification course is suitability. An individual should follow their interests and preferences for finding out the most appropriate certification courses for them.

The next important concern on the mind of readers should be the appropriate planning and commitment to achieving the desired certification. Other important factors under consideration in this context refer to the selection of appropriate sources for learning materials and resources. After all, the certification has a lot to do for the career of an individual, and you can’t risk it!

We at Whizlabs are aimed to help professionals to achieve certifications and get ahead in their careers. We provide certification training courses in various domains such as Cloud Computing, DevOps, Java, Linux, Project Management, Agile & Scrum, Business Analysis, Blue Prism, Blockchain, Networking, and Quality. If you are aspiring to achieve a certification, check out our certification training courses and make yourself ready to pass the certification exam in the first attempt.

About Pavan Gumaste

Pavan Rao is a programmer / Developer by Profession and Cloud Computing Professional by choice with in-depth knowledge in AWS, Azure, Google Cloud Platform. He helps the organisation figure out what to build, ensure successful delivery, and incorporate user learning to improve the strategy and product further.

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