GCP-professional-ml-engineer-certification-Gen-ai- solutions-changes-october-2024

New Syllabus Changes: GCP Professional ML Engineer Certification to Include Gen AI Solutions from October 2024

If you’re gearing up to earn the GCP Professional ML Engineer Certification, it is important to be updated with the latest syllabus changes with a focus on Generative AI Solutions. We’ll explore the exam weightage, the date of effect for the updates, and how it will impact your preparation!

GCP Professional ML Engineer Certification exam: Recent updates

GCP has updated its Professional Machine Learning certification to reflect the most recent developments in light of the emergence of Generative AI and its transformative potential. The GCP Machine Learning certification will see significant updates for AI-driven cloud solutions from October 1st, 2024.

  • Change 1: Weightage of the exam sections
  • Change 2: Inclusion of Generative AI Solutions 
  • Change 3: Renaming Monitor ML Solutions to Monitor AI Solutions.

The Domain Weightage Changes

Attachment Details GCP-professional-ml-engineer-certification-exam-d

Essential topics to focus on while preparing for the GCP Professional ML certification

The upcoming version of the Professional Machine Learning Engineer exam launching on October 1st, 2024 will cover the tasks related to Generative AI, including the following:

  • Building AI solutions using Model Garden
  • Building AI solutions using Vertex AI Agent Builder
  • Evaluating Generative AI Solutions

The best practices, architecture decisions, and a breakdown of potential questions’ focus:

Architect low-code ML solutions

  • Implementing retrieval augmented generation (RAG) applications by using Vertex AI Agent Builder

Collaborate within and across teams to manage data and models 

  • Leveraging a variety of foundational and open-source models in Model Garden 
  • Evaluating generative AI solutions 

Scale prototypes into ML models 

  • Fine-tuning foundational models (Vertex AI, Model Garden) 

Monitor AI Solutions

  • Building secure AI systems by protecting against unintentional exploitation of data or models ( hacking) 
  • Assessing AI solution readiness (fairness, bias) 
  • Monitoring, testing, and troubleshooting AI solutions 

With the new updates, the exam will require you to focus on the newly added parts, take adequate updated practice tests, and build your foundation in Gen AI Solutions. Whizlabs Video lectures and updated Practice tests can build and validate your theoretical knowledge, and the Guided Hands-on labs and Sandboxes can immensely assist with vital practical experience to crack the exam on your first attempt. Choose a suitable plan and build your study strategy accordingly. Check the New GCP exam guide for more detailed updates on the topics.

Key Emphasis with Generative AI Solutions in GCP ML Certification

Hands-on Questions: Expect practical questions about how to set up, deploy, and manage generative models and AI solutions with Google Cloud tools such as Vertex AI.

Design and Architecture: You can be tasked with architecting a solution using Model Garden models or creating an AI agent with Vertex AI Agent Builder.

Troubleshooting: Identifying issues with training, evaluating, or deploying generative models, such as bias, ethical considerations, and performance optimization.

Concentrating on these domains will equip you for the theoretical and practical facets of utilizing Google Cloud for machine learning, especially concerning generative AI.

The Impact of Generative AI Updates on GCP Certification

For professionals in various industries, new opportunities have arisen due to the inclusion of Generative AI and expanded AI solutions in the GCP Professional ML certification. Key advantages include:

  1. Enhanced Career Opportunities: Professionals holding GCP’s updated ML certification are well-positioned to assume roles in AI development, machine learning engineering, and cloud architecture, given the growing demand for cloud-based AI solutions.
  2. Keeping Up with Technological Trends: In an ever-evolving tech landscape, professionals can stay relevant by keeping up with the latest developments in Generative AI solutions.
  3. Availability of GCP’s AI Ecosystem: Working with Vertex AI, BigQuery ML, and AI Hub, among other AI tools from GCP, experts can create and implement AI models in an integrated environment. Certification ensures that applicants have a solid understanding of these platforms and can effectively use them.
  4. The certification places a strong emphasis on the practical, real-world applications of Artificial Intelligence, guaranteeing that candidates are capable of using AI solutions to address challenging business problems in addition to being well-versed in theory.


The October 2024 updates to GCP’s Machine Learning certification are a reflection of the fast-moving advancements in AI, particularly in the domain of Generative AI in cloud computing. Keep track of the changes in your GCP Professional ML certificate preparation journey and prepare accordingly. Talk to our experts in case of queries!

About Banu Sree Gowthaman

Banu is a passionate cloud connoisseur with a knack for simplifying complex concepts. She specializes in demystifying cloud computing and digital transformation. She creates content that empowers businesses and tech enthusiasts to harness the full potential of the cloud. Her blogs feature innovative solutions in the cloud space, tutorials, and industry updates, making cloud technology accessible to all levels of expertise, from beginners to seasoned professionals.

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