AZ-304 practice tests

Whizlabs Update: AZ-304 Practice Tests Launched

Our beloved learners have been constantly asking us for updates on learning materials for the newly updated Microsoft Azure Solutions Architect Expert certification exams. After the launch of the AZ-303 online course and practice tests, today, we present to you the new AZ-304 practice tests for the second important exam in the Azure Solutions Architect Expert certification track. 

The update primarily showcases the change in exam objectives of AZ-304 certification to ensure they are at par with the specified exam requirements and objectives.  So, many candidates are likely to prefer to AZ-304 for its ability to validate their current skill requirements. On the other hand, AZ-304 certification has been launched recently in June 2020. Therefore, aspiring candidates may face a lot of struggles in finding out relevant training resources to prepare for the AZ-304 certification.

Try Now: AZ-304 Free Test

The new Whizlabs collection of AZ-304 practice tests are crafted with comprehensive attention to the new exam objectives. Do you want to know more about how the new Whizlabs practice tests for AZ-304 certification can help your preparations? The following discussion presents an overview of the features of the new Whizlabs AZ-304 mock exams and their benefits.

Latest Update: The exam AZ-304 & AZ-303 has been expired on March 31, 2022 and it has been changed the name to AZ-305.

Microsoft Azure AZ-304: Microsoft Azure Architect Design

Before we showcase the details of our new Whizlabs AZ-304 practice tests, let us find out about the exam first. The Azure AZ-304: Microsoft Azure Architect Design exam is presently in the beta stage and was launched on June 29, 2020. The exam will become the default standard inclusion in the Microsoft Azure Solutions Architect Expert certification exam after the AZ-301 exam expires on September 30, 2020.

The AZ-304 exam is suitable for any candidate aspiring to showcase proof of their subject matter expertise regarding the design and implementation solutions running on Microsoft Azure. Candidates qualifying the AZ-304 and AZ-303 exams will gain the credential of a Microsoft Certified Azure Solutions Architect Expert.

In this role, professionals have to consult and recommend stakeholders for optimal translation of business requirements into cloud solutions with higher security, reliability, and scalability. Candidates qualifying the Azure Solutions Architect Expert certifications would also have to work in partnership with clients, cloud database administrators, and cloud administrators for ensuring reliable implementation of solutions.

Prerequisites for AZ-304 Exam

The exam demands certain prerequisites, and candidates must focus on these prerequisites since AZ-304 is an expert-level certification exam. Candidates should have comprehensive expertise in Azure administration and basic working experience in Azure DevOps and development processes.

In addition, candidates must also have in-depth knowledge and experience regarding IT operations such as budgeting, networking, business continuity, virtualization, identity, governance, disaster recovery, security, and data platform. Furthermore, candidates must also have an idea of how their decisions in each area of IT operations on the cloud can influence other areas. Verifying the prerequisites gives you the green signal for starting your AZ-304 exam preparation.

Preparing for the AZ-304: Microsoft Azure Architect Design exam? Follow this comprehensive AZ-304 Study Guide and get ready to pass the exam in the first attempt.

Domains in the AZ-304 Exam

The AZ-304 exam tests the skills, knowledge, and abilities of candidates in the following domains,

  • Best practices for designing suitable monitoring mechanisms
  • Knowledge of industry best practices for designing identity solutions and security initiatives
  • Capabilities for tailoring data storage solutions according to enterprise requirements
  • Emphasis on developing solutions with a focus on business continuity
  • Designing the ideal infrastructure in accordance with enterprise specifications

The Azure AZ-304 exam will be available in the English language only before it reaches general availability. The registration cost for the exam is $165 USD.

Whizlabs AZ-304 Practice Tests

The Whizlabs AZ-304 practice tests are a vital tool for the preparation of any candidate wishing to qualify in their first attempt. The practice test not only bears the credibility of Whizlabs but also the experience of subject matter experts. Whizlabs has been constantly perfecting the art of online certification training for years with many prominent milestones.

By helping millions of IT professionals worldwide with certification training courses, Whizlabs has very little to claim that its AZ-304 practice tests are better options for candidates. Let us take a look at the features of the practice tests for AZ-304 by Whizlabs.

  • Candidates will get a total of three full-length practice tests
  • The tests include a total of 165 unique questions with 55 questions in each set
  • Detailed reports of candidate performance
  • In-depth explanation for all questions
  • Unlimited access
  • Round the clock customer support and responsive expert support

Check your current level of preparation for the AZ-304 exam with the AZ-304 practice tests. Try Free Test now!

How Can Whizlabs AZ-304 Practice Tests Help You?

Now, any candidate would wonder about the value they would get with AZ-304 practice tests on Whizlabs. If you have been thinking that practice tests are solely suitable for understanding the exam format, then think twice. Here are some unique advantages of Whizlabs practice tests for the AZ-304 exam.

  • Reinvent Your Methods

Candidates get detailed explanations for all questions in the exam, thereby helping them understand the different ways of answering. The explanation of the questions gives adequate flexibility to candidates for understanding the question objectives and skills and concepts required for them. In addition, the explanation for the questions in Whizlabs practice tests helps you find new approaches for solving the questions.

  • Know Your Strengths and Limits

The facility of detailed reports alongside the explanation for AZ-304 practice questions improves your capabilities for skill improvement. The Whizlabs practice tests for AZ-304 help you pinpoint exactly to your strengths and weaknesses in the exam topics. So, candidates will have the opportunity to address any setbacks in their skills and preparation for the AZ-304 exam easily.

  • Supportive Learning Experience

The final yet most important trait that separates Whizlabs AZ-304 practice tests from the rest is the Whzizlabs support. Experts and customer service executives are always at your disposal to help you make the most of our training courses and practice tests. Customer service executives ensure that you can access the course without any difficulty. On the other hand, subject matter experts are readily available to clear any doubts you have regarding the questions.

Have any questions regarding the AZ-304 certification exam or practice tests? Write in Whizlabs Forum and get answers by the Azure experts.

Final Words

On a concluding note, the new AZ-304 practice tests by Whizlabs can spark the motivation of many aspiring candidates. The practice tests are a trusted tool for evaluating the knowledge and skills that candidates have gained for a specific exam. In the long run, the facility of updated practice tests would become a mandatory addition to the preparation journey of certification aspirants.

At the same time, it is also essential to note the unique value Whizlabs delivers to the preparation of candidates. However, candidates must also notice the importance of proper preparation and then attempting the AZ-303 Mock exam to ensure their success in AZ-304 exam!             

About Pavan Gumaste

Pavan Rao is a programmer / Developer by Profession and Cloud Computing Professional by choice with in-depth knowledge in AWS, Azure, Google Cloud Platform. He helps the organisation figure out what to build, ensure successful delivery, and incorporate user learning to improve the strategy and product further.

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