AWS Certified Solutions Architect Associate beta exam

New AWS Certified Solutions Architect Associate Beta Exam Announced

Amazon Web Services has recently announced the big changes in the AWS certification list. One of the upcoming changes in the AWS certification is the announcement of the AWS Certified Solutions Architect Associate beta exam. The beta exam is ideal for the new version of the AWS Solutions Architect Associate exam. 

Solutions architects are the individuals responsible for designing the systems running on AWS. The work of an AWS Solutions Architect Associate helps in building highly cost-effective, available, scalable, and fault-tolerant systems on AWS. As the demand for cloud adoption increases gradually, organizations focus on hiring certified candidates for solutions architecture jobs.

However, AWS introduces changes in the certification exams from time to time for testing the skills of candidates from different perspectives. Now, you can find the beta exam for the new version of the AWS Solutions Architect Associate exam.

Try Now: AWS Certified Solutions Architect Associate Free Test

The beta exams are ideal for testing the new version of every certification exam before making the new version live. AWS certifications have to pass through the beta process in the event of changes in outlines or the launch of new versions. Candidates could avail of the beta exams at half the standard pricing of exams.

Also, candidates would get the associated AWS certification by passing the beta exam. The results of beta exams are available for candidates within 90 days of the termination of the beta period.

AWS Certified Solutions Architect Associate Beta Examination

The newly launched AWS Certified Solutions Architect Associate beta exam is available now on the AWS official website. The registrations for the beta exam will start soon, especially considering that the beta period would start on November 4, 2019.

Candidates should keep in mind that the registrations for the beta exam are limited. The beta exams are meant for obtaining statistical information regarding new questions in the revised outline for certification exams. Once AWS finds the threshold for statistical analysis, the registrations for a particular beta exam will close. Therefore, every aspiring candidate should appear for the exam before the registrations close.

The beta exam for the new AWS Certified Solutions Architect Associate Exam 2020 would test the following abilities of candidates.

  1. Defining an AWS solution by leveraging architectural design principles while referring to customer requirements.
  2. Providing guidance and support for implementation throughout a project’s lifecycle to an organization based on best practices.     

Who Should Take the AWS Certified Solutions Architect Associate Beta Examination?

The AWS Solutions Architect Associate certification exam is ideal for IT professionals with expertise in designing highly available, scalable, fault-tolerant, and cost-effective distributed systems on AWS. The newly announced AWS Certified Solutions Architect Associate beta exam is ideal for any individual aspiring to validate his skills. The beta exam is the perfect platform for AWS professionals to start their careers. Furthermore, the cost of the beta exam provides a formidable advantage to fresher candidates as they can get a valid certification at half the price.

However, a closer look at the recommended knowledge and experience for taking up the beta exam is mandatory. Please note that these requirements are recommended and not mandatory. Note that AWS has removed prerequisites for certification exams to improve flexibility for candidates.

  1. One year of practical experience in the design of highly available, scalable, cost-effective, and fault-tolerant distributed systems on AWS.
  2. Practical experience in using AWS services such as compute, networking, database, and storage.
  3. Practical experience in AWS deployment and management services.
  4. The ability for identifying and defining technical requirements for an AWS application.
  5. Skills for identifying the fit between AWS services and particular technical requirements.
  6. Awareness about recommended best practices for developing applications on the AWS platform with high security and reliability.
  7. Comprehensive understanding of basic architectural principles for building on the AWS cloud.
  8. Knowledge about the AWS global infrastructure.
  9. Knowledge of network technologies concerning AWS.
  10. Understanding of AWS security features and tools and their relation to traditional services.

Preparing for the AWS Certified Solutions Architect Associate exam? Follow this comprehensive guide for the AWS Solutions Architect Associate exam preparation and get ready for the exam.

AWS Certified Solutions Architect Associate Beta Examination Details

The registration fee for the AWS Certified Solutions Architect Associate beta exam is USD 75, i.e., half the price of the standard exam. The format of the beta exam will follow the old version by including multiple-choice and multiple-response questions. Upon passing the beta exam, you can achieve the credential of being an AWS Certified Solutions Architect Associate.

Candidates do not have to fulfill any prerequisite to appear for the beta exam. You do not have to qualify any other foundational or associate-level certification exam for attending this beta exam. AWS certifications have become highly flexible for ensuring that candidates face the least troubles to validate their AWS skills.

After passing the beta exam, candidates can get the AWS certification, once the scores are released. The scores generally release at 90 days after the beta period ends. The certification, after passing the beta exam, will retain validity for three years.

Candidates who are unable to pass the exam have to reappear for the exam after the release of the AWS Certified Solutions Architect Associate exam 2020.

AWS Certified Solutions Architect Associate Salary

AWS solutions architects will be responsible for the vision of AWS solutions. They participate in a development team to make sure that the systems created by developers are in line with the goals and objectives of the business.
Entry-level pay for AWS Solutions Architects in the US is $138,000 annually. An AWS Senior Solutions Architect makes an average yearly income of $276,000 in the US.

The Registration Process for AWS Certified Solutions Architect Associate Beta Examination

The registration process for the AWS certified solutions architect associate beta exam is as follows.

  1. Visit the official AWS training page.
  2. Create an AWS account or Sign in to your account if you are an existing user.
  3. After signing in successfully, click on the “Certification” tab.
  4. Click on the “AWS certification account” for creating a new AWS certification account. If you have a previous AWS certification account, no worries!
  5. After signing into the AWS certification account, click on the “Schedule New Exam” for scheduling your exam.
  6. The page will direct to the training vendor, PSI where you can select a convenient testing center before scheduling the exam.
  7. Find the beta exam for AWS Certified Solutions Architect Associate certification and follow subsequent prompts to complete the registration.

The Old vs New AWS Certified Solutions Architect Associate Examination

AWS has recently come up with an announcement for its AWS Certified Solutions Architect Associate beta exam. This beta exam would start on November 4, 2019, and will remain valid till November 29, 2019. The new version of the exam is slated to release by March 2020. The prominent changes in the new exam refer to the exclusion of one domain that was in the old version. A closer look at the blueprints for both exams can provide better clarification about their differences.

Old Version


Designing Resilient Architectures


Designing Performance Architectures


Specifying Secure Applications and Architectures


Designing Cost-Optimized Architectures


Defining Operational Excellent Architectures


New Version


Designing Resilient Architectures


Designing High-Performance Architectures


Designing Secure Applications and Architectures


Designing Cost-Optimized Architectures


So, we can note that the new exam would focus on cost-optimization and higher performance of AWS solutions architecture. Therefore, candidates have to emphasize harder on these topics for qualifying the exam.

It is important to be fully prepared for an AWS interview. Check out this set of top AWS interview questions and get yourself ready to ace the interview.

Preparations Tips for AWS Certified Solutions Architect Associate Beta Examination

With the launch of the beta exam, candidates should also note preparation tips for the AWS Certified Solutions Architect Associate beta exam. Here are the essential tips which can help you clear the exam easily.

  1. Join the official AWS training course for a better understanding of exam objectives and format.
  2. Take a closer look and read AWS Whitepapers.
  3. One of the foremost preparation tips for the AWS Certified Solutions Architect Associate beta exam refers to good use of time. Rather than cramming up the answers to practice questions and examples, try to know about the problem in detail.
  4. Practice specific tricks such as elimination of answers which can work effectively in multiple-choice questions.
  5. Find some helpful books on the AWS Certified Solutions Architect Associate exam apart from AWS’s recommended documentation.
  6. Practice tests are always a mandatory recommendation to prepare thoroughly for any certification exam.
  7. Finally, keep your aim focused on learning more about AWS platform, services, and applications rather than just to get a certification.

Final Words

The AWS Certified solutions architect associate beta exam for the new version of the existing certification exam (SAA-CO1) will arrive in November 2019. Candidates will find more focus on questions on cost-optimization and performance of architectures. The new exam removes the domain related to designing operationally excellent architecture that is in the old exam. So, AWS aims to broaden the skills on which candidates will be tested.

Whizlabs commits its efforts to help you in preparation for the exam with its AWS certification training. Our subject matter experts are right away on the job of preparing practice material for the exam. Our updated online course will be online as soon as the new version releases in March 2020. Do not worry and stay calm! Just prepare for the best and score well!          

About Pavan Gumaste

Pavan Rao is a programmer / Developer by Profession and Cloud Computing Professional by choice with in-depth knowledge in AWS, Azure, Google Cloud Platform. He helps the organisation figure out what to build, ensure successful delivery, and incorporate user learning to improve the strategy and product further.

2 thoughts on “New AWS Certified Solutions Architect Associate Beta Exam Announced”

  1. Could you pl clarify if i take ‘solution architect associate-beta’ exam and don’t pass it, then do i need to pay full price while taking standard exam OR can i take standard exam with just 50% cost ? I couldn’t find answer for this in any FAQ and hence this query. Appreciate if you could please answer it. I am planning to take this. Just wanted to be more clear. Thanks in advance.

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