Author name: Aditi Malhotra

Aditi Malhotra is the Content Marketing Manager at Whizlabs. Having a Master in Journalism and Mass Communication, she helps businesses stop playing around with Content Marketing and start seeing tangible ROI. A writer by day and a reader by night, she is a fine blend of both reality and fantasy. Apart from her professional commitments, she is also endearing to publish a book authored by her very soon.

Open source databases

“Data” is growing exponentially today due to the Internet age and “studying Data”, “analyzing Data” have become a necessity for most professions. Data is stored in “databases” and storing this data in databases too has evolved over time. Oracle and Microsoft SQL Server were examples of popular databases that were used to store data. Things slowly changed with the explosion of data and open source databases were born. We will look at a few open source databases in this post. MongoDB: MongoDB is an open source database developed by MongoDB Inc. and written in C++. Data was traditionally only stored […]

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Knowledge Management

Given the disparate and often excessive sources of information in an organization, it might be imperative for us to wade through this information and produce perfect results upon inquiry. ‘Knowledge Management’ refers to gathering, organizing, refining and disseminating information within an organization. We will discuss the basics of ‘Knowledge management’, the different processes in ‘Knowledge management’ and ‘Oracle knowledge management (OKM) ’in this post. Introduction: Though the very concept of ‘Knowledge management’ existed from the 1990’s, integrating these systems into the business strategy and solving business issues is fairly new. Before we see how knowledge management works – let us

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Session Management

Knowingly or unknowingly ‘sessions’ are part of our daily digital life and this post seeks to explain the concepts related to ‘session management’ in Java. ‘Session Management’ is an interesting topic and it is also one of the topics for the ‘Web component developer 6’ exam. Introduction: This post assumes understanding of servlets, web container and other basic terms. To put it briefly, a ‘servlet’ is a small program that runs inside a web server. A ‘servlet container’ aids in the management of loading and running servlets. HTTP: Unlike other protocols like FTP or TCP, HTTP is stateless protocol. A ‘stateless protocol’ is one in which the

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Apache Kafka – What Is It?

For the uninitiated, the Kafka project created by LinkedIn in 2012 and adopted by Apache is a public subscribe distributed messaging system. This post seeks to provide an overview on Kafka by presenting the ideas related to producers, topic, brokers and consumers. Introduction to Kafka: Kafka written in Scala is a scalable, high throughput, replicated, partitioned log system. It was created at LinkedIn primarily aimed at live feeds coming from all social media channels whether they were coming from Twitter, Facebook or LinkedIn itself. Later on, it was open sourced so that other organizations may be able to adopt it as

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Java Design Patterns

Common design problems faced by seasoned and experienced developers helped in the creation of ‘Design Patterns’. One can reuse patterns across multiple applications.  There are three types of design patterns which are Creational, Structural and Behavioral patterns. There is also fourth design pattern which is the J2EE design pattern and which is the basis of our post. We will discuss the Model-View-Controller, Front Controller and Intercepting Filter which are all part of the Web Component developer exam.   Model-View-Controller: Model-View-Controller is the most popular design pattern. It has been around since the beginning of object oriented times. This design pattern

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Data Warehouses

Data warehousing was a powerful field of study in the 1990s as the business requirements changed from transaction processing to analyzing the data. This post seeks to discuss the concepts behind Data warehousing along with the purpose of Data warehousing. From the days of data bases to Big Data analytics – we have come a long way. The very concept of storing data and querying it was refreshingly new in the 90’s. Times changed and Data warehousing necessities and concepts pierced the IT landscape. What is a Data warehouse? “Data” that is stored on different systems like CRM, ERP, flat

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Java Collections Framework

The Java Collections framework has reduced the cumbersome work of actually creating data structures like List, Set, Map. The basic idea behind Collections is that they are used to add, delete, search, sort and iterate over objects. This post will seek to explain the Java Collections framework. Is it “Collection” or “Collections”? At the outset, the word “Collection” in Java might be misunderstood for other terms. It is always important to note if it is ‘Collection’ or ‘Collections’. We have ‘java.util.Collection’ which is an interface and which is our primary point of discussion in this post. We also have’java.util.Collections’ which

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Java 8 Lambda Expressions

The Java programming language introduced in 1996 by Sun Microsystems as a cross platform environment and an object oriented programming structure has undergone tremendous changes.  From introducing inner classes, JDBC, RMI, Annotations, the latest addition to the Java world is the entry of Lambda expressions. This post will provide an overview of ‘Lambda expressions’ and why it is necessary. Missing feature of Java: Java the strictly object oriented programming language makes one think only in terms of objects and classes. Given that time has evolved and more languages have come into existence with a different set of features – the

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Planning Or Execution Which Is More Difficult?

Project planning and execution both plays important role in the successful completion of any project. Execution of a project totally depends upon what you’ve planned for your project. If the project planning is done properly then there will be less chances of risk to the project. Once a project plan is ready then for its execution, one can use any of the Project Management tools available in market like Asana, Trello, Basecamp, Orchestra etc. based on their project requirements. Project planning is the harder among the two because when that is achieved perfectly the Execution becomes easy. If you fail

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Anonymous Inner Classes

Having dealt with inner classes in earlier posts this post deals with anonymous inner classes – an even more different type of code that causes more confusion for the amateur programmer. What are anonymous inner classes? ‘Anonymous inner classes’ or ‘Anonymous classes’ as the name suggests is creating an inner class with no name. Here is a simple program that illustrates the working of the anonymous class. Program 1: //Program to illustrate anonymous inner class package whizlabs; class anon_1 {      public static void main(String args[]){               pgm p1=new pgm();                pgm p=new pgm(){ // start of

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