
Top 25 DevSecOps Interview Question and Answers for 2024

Many enterprises adhere to the practice in integrating security into all aspects of a DevOps workflow and it is termed as DevSecOps. To achieve this, staff must take constant effort.

Any DevOps interview is likely to assess the candidate’s knowledge in the following areas such as coding languages, practices, tools and frameworks. But when the interview focuses on security or DevSecOps role, then IT professionals need to be well-prepared.

If you are preparing for a DevSecOps interview, then try our sample DevSecOps interview questions and answers below to know what to expect.

What is DevSecOps?

DevSecOps stands for development, security, and operations. This kind of approach helps to improvise culture, automation, and platform design that integrates security as a shared responsibility in the entire IT lifecycle.

The Hashicorp Certified Vault Associate certification focuses on the security aspect of DevSecOps, specifically with Hashicorp Vault. Hashicorp Vault is a popular open-source tool that helps organizations manage, secure, and control access to sensitive data.

While assuring that the applications and systems being developed are secure and compliant, it attempts to ensure that development and operations teams may collaborate easily. This can be accomplished by incorporating security testing and validation as a crucial step in the creation of software.

Top skills you need for DevSecOps Jobs

The DevSecOps engineers require the technical skills of IT professionals and knowledge on DevOps. They must also require in-depth knowledge of cybersecurity such as knowing the latest trends and threats.

And some of the major skills that are required such as:

  • Understanding of the DevOps culture and concepts
  • Excellent communication and teamwork skills
  • Good command of threat modelling and risk assessment methodologies
  • Current details on cybersecurity risks and appropriate practices
  • Working Knowledge on Kubernetes, Chef, Aqua, Puppet, and other DevOps and DevSecOps tools

DevSecOps Interview Question and Answers

1. What is DevSecOps security?

DevSecOps security involves building security into the software development process from the very beginning, rather than treating it as an afterthought. This approach emphasizes the need for continuous security testing, vulnerability scanning, and code analysis throughout the development cycle.

2. What are the key principles of DevSecOps security?

The key principles of DevSecOps security are:

Collaboration: DevSecOps emphasizes the importance of collaboration between development, security, and operations teams to ensure that security is integrated into every stage of the development process. Collaboration enables better communication and understanding of security risks and requirements.

Automation: Automation is an essential aspect of DevSecOps security, as it allows for continuous security testing, vulnerability scanning, and code analysis throughout the development cycle. Automation enables faster and more accurate security testing and analysis, reducing the risk of human error.

Also Read on : Introduction to Devsecops?

Continuous Monitoring: DevSecOps security requires continuous monitoring to detect and respond to security threats in real-time. Continuous monitoring enables security teams to quickly identify and address security issues, reducing the impact of security incidents.

Risk Management: DevSecOps security emphasizes the importance of risk management, which involves identifying potential security threats and vulnerabilities and implementing controls to mitigate them. Risk management enables organizations to proactively address security risks before they become major issues.

Compliance: DevSecOps security requires compliance with relevant regulations and standards, such as HIPAA, PCI-DSS, and GDPR. Compliance ensures that organizations are meeting their legal and regulatory obligations and protecting customer data and privacy.

3. What are some common security risks that DevSecOps aims to mitigate?

DevSecOps aims to mitigate a wide range of security risks, including:

  1. Code vulnerabilities: DevSecOps aims to identify and fix code vulnerabilities early in the development process, before they can be exploited by attackers.
  2. Insider threats: DevSecOps can help mitigate the risk of insider threats by implementing strict access controls and monitoring user activity.
  3. Third-party risks: DevSecOps can help organizations manage third-party risks by ensuring that third-party software and services are properly vetted for security and compliance.
  4. Configuration errors: DevSecOps can help prevent configuration errors that could leave systems and applications vulnerable to attack.
  5. Malware and ransomware: DevSecOps can help organizations detect and respond to malware and ransomware attacks by implementing robust endpoint security and threat intelligence solutions.
  6. Data breaches: DevSecOps can help prevent data breaches by implementing strong data encryption, access controls, and monitoring tools.
  7. Compliance violations: DevSecOps can help organizations comply with relevant regulations and standards, such as HIPAA, PCI-DSS, and GDPR, by implementing the necessary controls and monitoring tools.

4. How do determine the effectiveness of DevOps implementation in an organization?

Determining the effectiveness of DevOps implementation in an organization requires a combination of qualitative and quantitative metrics. Here are some key indicators that can help evaluate the effectiveness of DevOps implementation:

  1. Time to market: One of the primary benefits of DevOps is faster time to market for software products. Measuring the time it takes to release new software features or updates can help evaluate the effectiveness of DevOps implementation.
  2. Deployment frequency: The frequency of software deployments can provide insight into the efficiency of the DevOps process. Higher deployment frequency indicates a more streamlined and automated process.
  3. Mean time to recovery (MTTR): MTTR measures the time it takes to recover from a service interruption or failure. A lower MTTR indicates a more effective DevOps process with faster problem resolution.
  4. Customer satisfaction: Customer feedback and satisfaction metrics can help determine whether the DevOps process is delivering valuable and reliable software products.
  5. Quality of code: Code quality metrics, such as the number of bugs or defects in code, can provide insight into the effectiveness of DevOps practices such as continuous integration and automated testing.
  6. Security: The effectiveness of DevOps implementation can be evaluated by monitoring the frequency and severity of security incidents and vulnerabilities.
  7. Employee satisfaction: Employee satisfaction surveys can help evaluate the effectiveness of DevOps implementation by assessing the level of collaboration, communication, and satisfaction within teams.

5. What is fuzz-based testing?

Fuzz-based testing is a software testing technique that involves inputting large amounts of random data, or “fuzz,” into a program to detect software vulnerabilities and unexpected behavior. Fuzz testing, also known as “fuzzing,” is a form of automated testing that is commonly used to identify security vulnerabilities, such as buffer overflows, format string vulnerabilities, and injection attacks.

Fuzz testing typically involves three main steps:

  1. Input generation: In this step, the fuzzer generates large amounts of random or semi-random data and feeds it into the program being tested. This data is designed to test the program’s boundaries and trigger unexpected behavior.
  2. Data mutation: The fuzzer may also modify the input data in various ways, such as changing the order of bytes or introducing errors, to test the program’s response to unexpected input.
  3. Analysis of results: The fuzzer records the results of each test, such as crashes or other errors, and provides detailed reports that can be used to identify and fix software vulnerabilities.

6. What DevOps stage should security be built in?

Here are some ways that security can be built into each stage of the DevOps process:

  1. Planning: Security considerations should be taken into account during the planning phase of software development. This includes defining security requirements, identifying potential risks and vulnerabilities, and setting security-related goals and objectives.
  2. Development: Security should be integrated into the development process through techniques such as secure coding practices, code reviews, and automated testing.
  3. Continuous Integration and Delivery: Security testing should be integrated into the continuous integration and delivery pipeline to identify and fix security issues as early as possible in the development process.
  4. Deployment: Security considerations should be taken into account when deploying software, including access controls, security configurations, and monitoring for security incidents.
  5. Operations: Security monitoring and incident response should be built into the operations phase of the DevOps process, including continuous security monitoring, automated incident response, and post-incident reviews.

7. Define the term DevOps agile.

DevOps and Agile are two distinct software development methodologies, but they are often used together to improve software development processes. DevOps Agile refers to the integration of DevOps and Agile methodologies, where DevOps focuses on the integration and automation of the development, testing, and deployment processes, while Agile emphasizes flexibility and iterative development.

8. How do you stay current with the latest security threats and best practices in DevSecOps?

Staying current with the latest security threats and best practices in DevSecOps is essential for maintaining the security and integrity of software applications. Here are some ways to stay current:

  1. Attend conferences and events: Attending industry conferences and events can provide opportunities to learn about the latest trends and best practices in DevSecOps from experts and thought leaders in the field.
  2. Read industry publications and blogs: There are many industry publications and blogs that cover the latest developments and best practices in DevSecOps. Following these sources can help you stay up-to-date with the latest trends and insights.
  3. Participate in online communities: Participating in online communities such as forums, discussion groups, and social media groups can provide opportunities to connect with other professionals in the field and learn about the latest developments and best practices in DevSecOps.
  4. Take training courses and certifications: There are many training courses and certifications available that cover DevSecOps and related security topics. Taking these courses can help you gain a deeper understanding of the subject matter and stay current with the latest best practices.
  5. Perform regular security assessments: Regularly performing security assessments of your software applications can help you identify potential vulnerabilities and stay current with the latest security threats and best practices.

9. How can DevOps improvise system security?

DevOps can improve system security by fostering collaboration and communication between different teams, including security teams. It uses automation to streamline security testing, continuous monitoring to detect and respond to threats in real-time, and infrastructure as code to enforce security policies consistently. 

DevOps also treats security as code, integrating it into the development process from the beginning. Overall, DevOps helps to ensure that security is a priority throughout the entire software development lifecycle, reducing the risk of security incidents and vulnerabilities.

10. List some of the highly popular used DevOps tools.

There are many DevOps tools available that can help streamline the software development lifecycle. Here are some of the most popular ones:

  1. Git: Git is a distributed version control system that allows developers to track changes to code and collaborate with each other.
  2. Jenkins: Jenkins is a continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD) tool that automates the software build, test, and deployment process.
  3. Docker: Docker is a containerization platform that allows applications to be packaged in lightweight, portable containers that can run anywhere.
  4. Kubernetes: Kubernetes is a container orchestration platform that automates the deployment, scaling, and management of containerized applications.
  5. Ansible: Ansible is a configuration management tool that allows developers to automate the deployment and configuration of infrastructure and applications.
  6. Puppet: Puppet is another configuration management tool that allows developers to automate infrastructure and application management at scale.
  7. Chef: Chef is yet another configuration management tool that allows developers to automate infrastructure and application management using a code-based approach.
  8. Terraform: Terraform is an infrastructure as code (IaC) tool that allows developers to define infrastructure and application resources using code.
  9. Nagios: Nagios is a monitoring tool that allows developers to monitor the performance and availability of infrastructure and applications.
  10. Splunk: Splunk is a log management and analysis tool that allows developers to collect and analyze data from various sources to identify issues and improve performance.

11. What are the advantages of continuous testing for DevOps?

In the DevOps, continuous testing will be carried out for checking if any modifications occur to the code and testing will be done in immediate manner. By delaying big-bang testing to the end of the cycle, problems with quality and release delays that might occur can be resolved. High-quality releases can be made in frequent manner due to continuous testing.

12. What are the application security tools used in the DevSecOps process?

To successfully implement DevSecOps, companies need to apply several Application Security Testing (AST) tools.

  • Static Application Security Testing (SAST): SAST tools used to carry out security vulnerability analysis on the development source code and helps to fix any issues before migrating to the next stage of SDLC.
  • Dynamic Application Security Testing (DAST): Usage of simulated assaults, DAST tools evaluate live web applications to find vulnerabilities. Black box testing methods like fuzz testing are part of it.
  • Interactive Application Security Testing (IAST): IAST tools examine the source code of an application while it is being manually or automatically tested in the background for security flaws.
  • Software Composition Analysis (SCA): To find known vulnerabilities in open-source frameworks and third-party components, SCA tools examine source code and binary files.

13. What is meant by DAST in DevOps.

Dynamic Application Security Testing refers to web application security technology that helps to detect security problems in the applications by monitoring how the application responds to framed requests that mimic normal attacks.

14. What are the duties of a DevOps/DevSecOps architect?

The responsibilities of DevOps/DevSecOps architects has been listed as follows:

  • Test and monitor a system to look for vulnerabilities
  • Through monitoring, coding, testing, and communication, keep the organization’s data, network, and IT infrastructure secure and safe
  • Explain the continuous delivery pipeline’s architecture
  • overseeing and evaluating technical operations
  • Develop self-service provisioning solutions and put them into use
  • Create configuration management strategies
  • Simplify the application delivery process by working together with the operations team and developers.
  • Provide continuous build environments to speed up software development
  • Monitoring and managing deployments of cloud infrastructure

15. What are the advantages of version control?

The following are some benefits of using version control:

  • Team members can collaborate on any specific file at any moment by using the Version Control System (VCS). By means of  VCS, the team will eventually be able to include all of the enhancements into a single version.
  • The VCS prompts us for a brief explanation of the modifications that have been implemented each time when we save a new version of the project. We also have a chance to examine the particular content alterations made to the file. We would be able to identify who altered the project and when as a result.
  • The VCS contains accurate storage for all earlier versions and variants.We will always have access to a snapshot of the entire project and be able to organize any version.
  • Using a distributed VCS like Git, all team members have access to the whole project history. Developers or even other relevant individuals can now view any teammate’s local Git repository, even if the primary server is unavailable.

16. Why has DevOps been more popular in recent years?

Before examining the increasing popularity of DevOps, first discuss the situation of the market today. Examples such as Netflix and Facebook using DevOps were considered and it is used to accelerate and automate application deployment and how this helped their businesses to develop will be evaluated. One could use Facebook as one of the instances and talk about how its continuous deployment and code ownership policies have allowed it to grow while preserving the caliber of the customer experience. It uses several hundred lines of code without sacrificing the program’s reliability, security, or quality.

Netflix is the next use case. It is on-demand and streaming video service uses fully automated systems and processes and adheres to similar procedures.Considering the respective user bases of these two organizations in which Facebook has 2 billion users, compared to Netflix’s more than 100 million global subscribers.

These are great examples of how DevOps can help businesses guarantee higher release success rates, shorten the time between bug patches, streamline and automate continuous delivery, and generally reduce human costs.

17. What is an illustrative DevOps maturity model?

The following are the stages that a business can go through in order to succeed with the implementation of DevOps or DevSecOps:

  • Ad-Hoc: Carry out ad-hoc tasks as needed, such as build and environment provisioning automation.
  • Organized or Planned: Design the DevOps project roadmap; as part of the planning, choose the team, tools, and frameworks that will be utilized as well as the necessary training and mentoring for the teams.
  • Align & Assess: Execute critical DevOps proofs-of-concept for one or more teams. Learn from the mistakes encountered and make the necessary adjustments in order to deploy the approach for a large rollout across several teams in the business.
  • Implementation: To codify the concept, apply DevOps/DevSecOps to all teams within the organization.
  • Continuous Improvement: Use the knowledge you’ve gained to your ongoing efforts to improve DevOps procedures.

18. What are the DevOps anti-patterns?

Patterns are established practices that businesses commonly use. An anti-pattern is produced when a business continues to diligently follow a pattern that has been adopted by another party but does not meet their needs.The following are a few DevOps anti-patterns:

  • Unable to perform DevOps → Have the wrong personnel
  • DevOps ⇒ Developers perform production management
  • The solution to all the company’s issues ⇒ DevOps
  • DevOps == Agile
  • DevOps == Process
  • Unable to perform DevOps → Organization is unique
  • We need a separate DevOps group

19. Describe the various phases of DevOps.

The following are the various phases of DevOps such as:

  • Plan: Prior to beginning, a sort of application development project needs to be well aligned. Having a general understanding of the development process is always a good idea.
  • Code: Application code has been written to satisfy end-user requirements.
  • Build: Compile all of the various codes that have been generated in the preceding steps to construct the programme.
  • Test: The test is the most crucial phase in creating an application. Test the software and recompile it if necessary.
  • Integrate: To merge the source code of multiple programmes into a single one.
  • Deploy: Code is put into a cloud environment to be used later. It is ensured that any new changes won’t impair the functionality of a well-known website.
  • Operate: The code is put through operations as needed.
  • Monitor: The application’s performance is always on the eye. It means changes are made to meet the needs of end users in a better way.

20. List the prime components of DevSecOps?

The prime components of DevSecOps include:

  1. Application/API Inventory: DevSecOps requires an inventory of all applications and APIs in use to ensure that they are secure and compliant with relevant regulations and standards.
  2. Compliance monitoring: DevSecOps requires continuous compliance monitoring to ensure that security policies and standards are consistently enforced across all systems.
  3. Cultural factors: DevSecOps emphasizes the importance of creating a culture of security within the organization. This includes encouraging collaboration and communication between different teams, including security teams, and fostering a sense of shared responsibility for security.
  4. Custom Code Security: DevSecOps requires a focus on the security of custom code developed in-house, including regular security testing and code reviews.
  5. Open Source Security: DevSecOps requires a focus on the security of open source components used in applications, including regular vulnerability scanning and patching.
  6. Runtime Prevention: DevSecOps requires monitoring and prevention of security threats at runtime, such as using application firewalls and intrusion detection systems to detect and block attacks in real-time.

21. What are some examples of DevSecOps?

Here are some examples of how DevSecOps can be implemented in practice:

Scanning for security flaws in repository code: This involves using tools like SonarQube or Veracode to scan code repositories for potential security vulnerabilities. These tools can identify common coding mistakes and patterns that can lead to security risks.

Static code analysis: This involves analyzing code for security vulnerabilities before it is compiled or deployed. Tools like FindBugs or PMD can identify potential security flaws by examining the code structure and logic.

Early threat modeling: This involves analyzing the security risks associated with an application or system early in the development process. This helps identify potential security risks and develop security controls to mitigate those risks.

Security design reviews: This involves reviewing the design of a system or application to identify potential security risks. This can be done by security experts, architects, or other stakeholders who have experience in security design and best practices.

Code reviews: This involves reviewing code for security vulnerabilities before it is deployed. This can be done by developers, security experts, or other stakeholders who have experience in security best practices.

22. How do you secure DevSecOps?

Here are some key steps to securing DevSecOps

  • Implement security as code
  • Use automation to integrate security testing and validation into every stage of the software development lifecycle
  • Conduct early threat modeling to identify and mitigate potential security risks
  • Conduct regular security audits and reviews to identify and address vulnerabilities in the system
  • Establish clear security policies and guidelines for all team members to follow
  • Foster collaboration and communication between security, development, and operations teams
  • Ensure that all third-party tools and components used in the development process are thoroughly vetted for security vulnerabilities
  • Conduct regular security training and awareness programs for all team members to ensure that they understand and can adhere to security best practices.

23. What are the three components of DevOps?

The three main components of DevOps are:

  1. Continuous Integration/Continuous Delivery (CI/CD) framework: This framework is a set of practices, tools, and processes that enable development teams to rapidly build, test, and deploy software changes to production. CI/CD pipelines automate the software delivery process and help teams to move quickly, efficiently, and with greater confidence.
  2. Build automation tools: Build automation tools are used to streamline the process of compiling, testing, and packaging software code into a deployable artifact. Popular build automation tools include Jenkins, Travis CI, and CircleCI.
  3. Source control management: Source control management (SCM) tools like Git, SVN, and Mercurial are used to manage the source code for a software project. SCM tools enable teams to track changes to the codebase over time, collaborate effectively, and revert to previous versions if necessary.

24. What is the difference between DevOps and DevSecOps?

Building microservices, utilizing infrastructure as code, and continuous integration/continuous delivery (CI/CD) are some of the activities and methodologies that make up DevOps. Threat modeling, vulnerability testing, and incident management are all added by DevSecOps.

The primary distinction is that while DevSecOps necessitates collaboration between developers and IT/OPs personnel on a single team with defined sprint goals, DevOps just calls for collaboration between developers and IT/OPs personnel. The use of security-related tools at various phases of the SDLC to automate security testing is another notable distinction.

25 . What is GitLab security?

GitLab security is a set of security features built into your development process. To assist you in delivering secure apps while maintaining license compliance, GitLab offers Static Application Security Testing (SAST), Dynamic Application Security Testing (DAST), Container Scanning, and Dependency Scanning.


Getting a job at DevSecOps is a dream come true for many. With the above DevSecOps interview questions and answers, you will surely get a better chance of cracking the interview. It is significant to know the difference between DevOps and DevSecOps as many of individuals got stuck with those terms. So, you need to understand the terms first and get ahead. 

The DevSecOps Interview questions and answers will help you to strengthen your understanding of the domain. Additionally, you will also be able to showcase your comprehensive knowledge to the interview and impress them. The questions will definitely help you to crack the interview. So, if you want to progress in your DevSecOps career, these interview questions and answers can extend the requisite support.

If you have any further queries or doubts, please feel free to comment us!

About Abilesh Premkumar

Abilesh holds a Master's degree in Information technology and Master of Philosophy Degree in Computer Science and did his Research on Information security via Collaborative Inference Detection. Also, received an Honorary Doctorate from UNO recognized organization. He contributes to Cloud research and supports building cloud computing tools.

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