SC-400 exam

How to prepare for Microsoft Information Protection Administrator SC-400 exam?

Looking to become certified as an Information Protection Administrator? This preparatory guide is designed to provide you with all the information you need to succeed on the SC-400: Microsoft Information Protection Administrator exam.

This SC-400 exam is designed for professionals who want to demonstrate their skills and abilities in implementing and managing Microsoft’s information protection solutions. In order to help you prepare for the exam, this guide provides an overview of the exam objectives and topics. It also includes tips and resources to help you study and pass the exam.

Let’s dive into the guide.

Overview of Microsoft Information Protection Administrator SC-400 Certification


The SC-400: a Microsoft Information Protection Administrator is an advanced-level certificate exam by Microsoft Azure. The exam covers the ability to configure and manage Azure Information Protection, including labeling and protecting data, managing access, and reporting.

sc-400 certification

As a Microsoft Information Protection Administrator, you will be responsible for: 

  •     Ensuring that information is properly protected and managed
  •     Developing and implementing policies and procedures
  •     Training the users on information security best practices, and
  •     Monitoring information security compliance.

In addition, you will work with other IT staff to ensure that information security is integrated into all aspects of the organization’s IT operations.

This exam is designed to test your knowledge of how to configure and manage information protection solutions in Microsoft 365.

Additionally, this certification will perform technical tasks to test your ability in: 

  •       Creating rules & policies for content classification,
  •       Implementing prevention of data loss
  •       Implement information on data governance &
  •       Implementing information on data protection

What skills can you expect from the SC-400 certification? 

The exam covers the skills and knowledge necessary to configure and manage data loss prevention (DLP) policies, configure, and manage Office 365 data loss prevention, and configure and manage Azure Information Protection.

This exam is designed to test your knowledge and skills in managing information protection for an organization.

The SC-400 certification offers plenty of abilities and acquiring results. This certificate will assist you with strengthen the capacity in:

  •       Uses of sensitivity labels.
  •       Configuring Data Loss Prevention policies.
  •       Secure message encryption with Microsoft Purview
  •       Describing the information governance configuration process.
  •       Define key terms associated with Microsoft’s data protection and governance solutions.
  •       Explaining about Content explorer and Activity explorer.
  •       Describing how to use sensitive information types and trainable classifiers.
  •       Review & analyze DLP reports.
  •       Identifying and mitigating DLP policy violations.
  •       Describing the integration of DLP with Microsoft Defender for Cloud Apps.
  •       Deploy Endpoint DLP
  •       Describing about records management
  •       Configuring event driven retention
  •       Importing a file plan
  •       Configuring retention policies and labels
  •       Creating custom keyword dictionaries
  •       Implementing & document fingerprinting

Who should take the SC-400 exam? 

The SC-400 exam is designed for administrators who want to validate their ability to deploy and manage Microsoft information protection solutions. This includes identifying and classifying data, as well as setting and enforcing policies.

If you work in a role that involves managing information security, or if you are looking to move into such a role, then this exam is a good fit for you. Even if you do not have direct experience with Microsoft information protection solutions, if you have a strong understanding of information security concepts, you should be able to successfully complete the exam.

If you are not sure whether the SC-400 exam is right for you, you can always take a SC-400 practice exam to get a better sense of the content and format. Or, you can check out the Microsoft Information Protection Administrator job role description to see if this is a role you would be interested in pursuing.

Some of these common roles you can get by achieving SC-400 exam as follows:

  • Chief Compliance Officer (CCO)
  • Chief data officer (CDO)
  • Risk Practitioner
  • Security Engineer
  • IT Auditors
  • Administrator
  • Technical Officers
  • Governance Professionals
  • Compliance Professionals
  • Cybersecurity Professionals
  • IT Enterprise Architects

Why should you take the SC-400 exam? 

Taking the SC-400 exam is a great way to show your employer or potential employer that you have the skills and knowledge necessary to be a successful Microsoft Information Protection Administrator. SC-400 exam can also help you stand out from other candidates when applying for jobs.

By taking this SC-400 certification you will need to know how to configure and use Azure Information Protection, Azure Rights Management, and the Microsoft Information Protection SDK.

So why should you take the SC-400 exam? Here are four reasons:

  1. It will validate your knowledge and skills in information protection.
  2. It will give you a competitive edge when applying for jobs.
  3. It will help you prepare for the MCSE: Information Protection certification.
  4. It will give you a chance to earn continuing education credits.

So, if you are interested in a career in information protection, then be sure to take the SC-400 exam.

SC-400 Certification Exam Overview

Here is the details about this SC-400 Microsoft Information Protection Administrator certification cost, duration, passing score, etc,. of the exam:

sc-400 exam format

Pre-requisites of the SC-400 Certification exam

To help you prepare for the SC-400 exam, Microsoft has published a list of prerequisites that you should review before taking the exam. These prerequisites include:

  • A basic understanding of Microsoft 365 security and compliance features and capabilities    
  • Experience in managing and deploying Microsoft 365 security and compliance features    
  • Knowledge of industry-standard security and compliance practices
  • Should know about Azure Security Center, Azure Information Protection and Intune

If you have the relevant experience and knowledge, then you should have no problem passing the SC-400 exam.

SC-400 Certification Exam Domains

The SC-400 certification exam covers six domains and carries specific weightage in the exam. Below is what the breakup looks like: 

Domain Weightage
Implementing Information Protection in Microsoft 365 35-40%
Implementing Data Loss Prevention in Microsoft 365 30-35%
Implementing Data Loss Prevention in Microsoft 365 25-30%

Each of those domains has several subtopics that includes: 

Implementing Information Protection in Microsoft 365 (35-40%)
  •       Create and manage sensitive information types
  •       Selecting a sensitive information type that supported an organization’s requirements
  •       Manage & creating a custom sensitive information type
  •       With exact data match, the creation of custom sensitive information types
  •       Implement document fingerprinting
  •       Creating a keyword dictionary

Create and manage trainable classifiers

  •       Identify when to use trainable classifiers
  •       Creation of a trainable classifier
  •       Verification of a trainable classifier is performing properly
  •       Retrain a classifier

Implement and manage sensitivity labels

  •       Identifying roles & permissions for administering sensitivity labels
  •       Create sensitivity labels
  •       Configure and manage sensitivity label policies
  •       In Microsoft teams, Microsoft 365 groups, and SharePoint sites applying sensitivity labels
  •       Publish & configure an automatic labeling policies
  •       Monitoring classification of knowledge and label usage by using label analytics tools 
  •       Applying bulk classification to on-premises data by using the AIP unified labeling scanner
  •       Protection settings to be managed and marking for applied sensitivity labels
  •       To apply protections and restrictions to files including content marking, permission, encryption, expiration,..

Plan and implement encryption for email messages

  •       For Office 365 Message Encryption defines a requirement to implement
  •       Implement Office 365 Advanced Message Encryption
Implementing Data Loss Prevention in Microsoft 365 (30-35%)

Create and configure data loss prevention policies

  •       Recommend an information loss prevention solution for an enterprise
  •       Configure data loss prevention for policy precedence
  •       Configuring policies for Microsoft exchange email
  •       Configure policies for Microsoft SharePoint sites
  •       Configure policies for Microsoft OneDrive accounts
  •       Configuring policies for Microsoft teams chat and channel messages
  •       Integrating Microsoft cloud app security with Microsoft information protection
  •       Policies configuration in Microsoft cloud app security
  •       Implementation of data loss prevention policies in test mode

Microsoft Endpoint data loss prevention to be implemented & monitored

  •       Configuring policies for endpoints
  •       Configuring the endpoint data loss prevention settings
  •       Recommended to configurations that enable devices for endpoint data loss prevention policies
  •       Monitoring endpoint activities

Monitoring & managing data loss prevention policies and activities

  •       Manage and reply to data loss prevention policy violations
  •       Review and analyze data loss prevention reports
  •       Manage permissions for data loss prevention reports
  •       Data loss prevention violations in Microsoft cloud app security to manage
Implementing Data Loss Prevention in Microsoft 365 (25-30%)

Configure retention policies and labels

  •       Create and apply retention labels
  •       Create and apply retention label policies
  •       Configure and publish auto-apply label policies

Manage data retention in Microsoft 365

  •       Create and apply retention policies in Microsoft SharePoint and OneDrive
  •       Create and apply retention policies in Microsoft Teams
  •       Recover content in Microsoft Teams, SharePoint, and OneDrive
  •       Recover content in Microsoft Exchange
  •       Implement retention policies and tags in Microsoft Exchange
  •       Apply mailbox holds in Microsoft Exchange
  •       Implement Microsoft Exchange Online archiving policies

Implement records management in Microsoft 365

  •       Configure labels for records management
  •       Migrate & manage retention requirements with a file plan
  •       Configure automatic retention using file plan descriptors
  •       Classify records using retention labels and policies
  •       Implement in-place records management in Microsoft SharePoint
  •       Configure event-based retention
  •       Manage disposition of records

Study materials to refer for SC-400 certification exam

In order to help you prepare for this exam, Microsoft has created a learning path that covers all the topics you need to know. If you are a beginner then Microsoft learning path might be the first focus to cover on your SC-400 study guide that includes:

  •       Implementing data protection in Microsoft 365
  •       Implementing prevention of data loss
  •       Implementing data lifecycle & records management

Second, Microsoft’s instructor-led video training course SC-400T00: Microsoft Information Protection Administrator will help you sharpen your data governance & data protection skills in Microsoft 365 deployment. It is a three-day-long video course elaborating on the implementation of data loss prevention policies, sensitivity data information, data retention policies, and message encryption on Microsoft Purview. 

Next, for hands-on experience with Information Protection, you can try GitHub’s SC-400 labs and learn how to leverage the solution to combat real-world challenges. 

Fourth you can go through Microsoft security documentation and be updated on products, support, and solutions.

Then, at last for your final preparations, you will have Microsoft’s SC-400 free sample questions and exam sandbox to get the exam experience before you attempt the main one.  

How to prepare for the SC-400 certification exam? 

Here are some tips to help you prepare for the exam and earn your certification.

1. Familiarize yourself with the exam content. Review the exam objectives and make sure you understand all the topics that will be covered.

2. Study the relevant material for the SC-400 exam. Use Microsoft’s official study guide, as well as other study aids, to make sure you understand all the concepts you will be tested on.

3. Take sc-400 practice questions. Familiarizing yourself with the exam format and question types will help you feel more confident on exam day. Plus, you can identify any areas you need to focus on before taking the real thing.

4. You need to be well-rested so you can focus and do your best.

By following these preparation tips, you can be confident and prepared when it comes time to take the Information Protection administrator SC-400 exam and earn your certification.

Sample Practice Questions for SC-400 exam

Domain – Implement Information Protection in Microsoft 365

Question 1. You upload project materials to a Microsoft SharePoint Online library containing numerous files at the end of a project. An example of a project document file name is as follows:

(ae_DD.docx – ed_ASEDR.docx – df_DCF.docx)

All documents that use this naming format must be labeled as confidential Documents

You need to create an auto-apply retention label policy

Which AIP Solution you should use?

  1. A Document fingerprint
  2. A trainable classifier
  3. A Retention Label
  4. A Sensitive information type.

Correct Answer: B


Option A is incorrect: A document fingerprint is a Microsoft 365 tool used to protect information through the identification of forms used by the company, allowing you to prevent unwanted sharing of files and documents created officially within the company. It does not allow you to create an auto=apply retention label policy.

Option B is correct: Retention labels can be applied automatically to content when the content contains a match for the trainable classifier. A trainable classifier is a Microsoft 365 tool that is used in the identification of several types of content. The classifier is trained by giving it examples to examine and then classify accordingly.

Option C is incorrect: Retention labels are used in retaining data, like documents and files that you need, and getting rid of items that you do not need. They cannot be used to create an auto-apply retention label policy

Option D is incorrect: Sensitive information types are used in a company’s data protection strategy. They are pattern-based classifiers that identify patterns presented by expressions and functions. Sensitive Information types can be used in validating data in companies but cannot be used to create auto-apply retention label policies.

Reference: To know more please refer to the link below

Domain – Implement Information Protection in Microsoft 365

Question 2. Your manager asks you to build a trainable classifier to identify identification numbers stored in your Microsoft 365 tenant. You start the process of creating a custom trainable classifier by identifying 100 files that should be used as seed content.

Where should you store the seed content? 

  1. In the files tab of a Microsoft Teams channel
  2. In a Microsoft SharePoint Online folder
  3. In an Azure file share
  4. In a Microsoft OneDrive for Business folder.

Correct Option is B


Incorrect Answer A: Microsoft Teams is one of the places chosen to apply the trainable classifier, but not to store the seed content. The files tab in any channel in Microsoft Teams is used to store data for teams members, but it cannot be used as a storage location for sees the content. Trainable classifiers are not configured through Microsoft Teams.

Correct Answer B: To create and publish a custom trainable classifier, you need to collect seed content in a SharePoint Online folder

Incorrect Answer C: In an Azure file share, you can write logs, analytics, and crash dumps for cloud apps. The application instances can write logs using REST File API and developers can access them by mounting the shared file on their own local computer. It cannot be used for storing seed content.

Incorrect Answer D: OneDrive for Business allows users to securely exchange information and set degrees of security through direct access or links for editing or viewing files. This may also be done at the folder level inside OneDrive to allow access to a certain group of files or folders within the drive. It cannot be used to seed content when creating a trainable classifier

Reference: To know more please refer to the link below


Domain – Implement Data Loss prevention

Question 3. You manage your company’s Microsoft 365 tenant.

You are asked to create a DLP policy to prevent Microsoft Teams users from sharing sensitive information.

You need to apply the policy to meet the following requirements:

  • Documents with sensitive information are not allowed to be shared in Microsoft Teams
  • Messages with sensitive information should be deleted as soon as they are shared during a Microsoft Teams chat session

In which three locations should you apply the policy? Each correct answer presents part of the solution.

  1. SharePoint sites
  2. Exchange email
  3. Teams chat and channel messages
  4. OneDrive accounts
  5. Microsoft Cloud App Security

Correct Option is A, C & D


Correct Answer A: You should select SharePoint sites. All documents uploaded in Microsoft Teams are saved in SharePoint.

Incorrect Answer B: You should not select Exchange email. You would select this location if you were required to protect sensitive information sent in email messages.

Correct Answer C: You should select Teams to chat and channel messages. Selecting this location in a DLP policy will prevent the disclosure of sensitive information in chats and channel messages.

Incorrect Answer D: You should not MCAS. This does not fulfill the requirement

Reference: To know more please refer to the link below


Here are some frequently asked questions about the SC-400 exam to help you better understand what to expect:

1.What is the SC-400 exam?

The SC-400 exam is a certification exam that tests your knowledge and skills in administering Microsoft information protection solutions.

2.How many questions are on the SC-400 exam?

There are 60 questions on the SC-400 exam.

3. What are the requirements for taking the Microsoft Information Protection Administrator SC-400 certification exam?

There are no specific requirements for taking the SC-400 exam, but it is recommended that you have experience working with Microsoft information protection solutions.

4. What is the role of Information Protection Administrator?

The Information Protection Administrator in SC-400 is responsible for ensuring that information is protected from unauthorized access. This includes setting up and managing access control, as well as developing and implementing security policies. The administrator also monitors activity to ensure that information is not being accessed or used inappropriately


Hope this guide provides an overview of the objectives and topics for the Microsoft Information Protection Administrator certification exam, as well as tips to help you prepare for the SC-400 exam.

To make the process ideal, we at Whizlabs offer many preparation resources like hands-on labs, cloud sandbox environment  to advance your preparations. We give free practice tests to help evaluating your preparation process.

If you have any further thoughts on this preparatory guide, feel free to comment us.

About Pavan Gumaste

Pavan Rao is a programmer / Developer by Profession and Cloud Computing Professional by choice with in-depth knowledge in AWS, Azure, Google Cloud Platform. He helps the organisation figure out what to build, ensure successful delivery, and incorporate user learning to improve the strategy and product further.

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