100 Days of Cloud Whizlabs Challenge

100 Days of Cloud – Whizlabs Challenge

Are you eager to begin your cloud journey? Do you need the right motivation to get started? Then 100 Days of Cloud (#100DaysofCloud) is just the right place for you. Now you can learn more about cloud computing regularly, irrespective of your certification and profession. All we want is a little interest in cloud computing from your end, and we can get the challenge started.

Do you think you have what it takes to win a whopping $500 cash prize? Simply collect as many points as you can, with your dedication towards cloud learning, and get in more of your friends to gain exciting rewards!

Participating In This Innovative Challenge

Don’t worry, we don’t need any elaborate work from your end to enroll you. Simply follow our hashtag to get all the materials and important information to make your journey convenient. We are there for you constantly while you work on real-world projects and enhance your cloud computing skills in a vibrant group of collaborators.

We are encouraging active participation from all around the community to enjoy the true open-source spirit and collaborative fun. All you need to do is share posts about your knowledge and learning in this cloud computing journey. You will also earn more points for successfully inviting your friends to join and contribute to the cloud community. Stay dedicated to posting and inviting, and get adequately rewarded for doing simple tasks. All this, while learning some pretty great stuff!

From serverless infrastructures to virtual machines and microservices architecture, we believe in thorough cloud learning. The ball is rolling in all directions! Pick whatever you may and we’ve got you covered.

What’s In It For You?

Apart from access to world-class content on a regular basis, we have also got some huge rewards for you.

You win not just for completing the challenge of 100 days, but you also win weekly and monthly rewards for all your activities. Check out the detailed information:

For Every 30 Days Contest – Total 3 Such Contests In 100 Days
  • Top 3 (Leaderboard ranks 1 to 3) get Whizlabs 5 Year Subscription for FREE
  • Top 4 to 10 (Leaderboard ranks 4 to 10) get Whizlabs 1 Year Subscription for FREE
  • Top 11 to 50 (Leaderboard ranks 11 to 50) get Whizlabs 3 Months Subscription for FREE
  • Top 51 to 100 (Leaderboard ranks 51 to 100) get 2 Whizlabs Online Courses or Practice Tests for FREE
For 100 Days Finale – Total 1 Such Contest In 100 Days
  • Top 3 (Atleast 1 certification earned, Leaderboard rank 1 to 3) get $500 Cash Prize
  • Top 4 to 10 (Atleast 1 certificate earned, Leaderboard rank 4 to 10) get $200 Cash Prize
  • Top 11 to 50 (Atleast 1 certification earned, Leaderboard rank 11 to 50) get $100 Cash Prize
  • Top 51 to 100 (Leaderboard rank 51 to 100) get Whizlabs 1 Year Subscription for FREE

There’s too much to win and nothing to lose. Then why wait any longer? Sign up today on Whizlabs #100DaysOfCloud and register for #100DaysofCloud right away!

What Makes You Eligible For This Challenge?

Well, there are a few prerequisites for confirming your participation in this #100DaysofCloud challenge. Make sure that you do all the following things to get ahead and increase your points to earn big!

  • Sign up on Whizlabs #100DaysOfCloud.
  • Take up any course challenge as per your expertise/interest. 
  • Use any resources. Try to implement Whizlabs Free Tests to get better output and learn to execute our resources better in the process.
  • We would love to hear your progress daily, so tell us about it every day on all social media platforms.
  • It gets easier for us to track your progress when you use the hashtags #100DaysofCloud and #CloudWhizard, so do use them. We would love it if you tag Whizlabs in your posts (It will help us find your posts quickly)
  • And the most important part is to invite all your friends and colleagues who would be interested to take this challenge. For every successful invitation, you will get 30 points in your account. 
  • We will be hosting webinars with industry experts and eminent cloud leaders to enhance your learning experience. And that’s not all! You also get special points on attending these webinars that can help you win.

Scale up the charts by earning more points. And here, it’s raining prizes, cash, and all kinds. You can participate in weekly, monthly, and 100-day challenges to start winning these exciting rewards.

Get. Set. Cloud.

With #100DaysofCloud, we encourage and celebrate the community of cloud enthusiasts who are acing their game in the cloud space. So, what are you waiting for? Let’s get this challenge started!

Visit Whizlabs #100DaysOfCloud right away to be a part of this exciting journey, full of learning, new experiences, and huge rewards. Make sure to follow us on our social media platforms (Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, YouTube) and never miss any announcements and updates.

It’s time to get you launched in the cloud space!


1. How is Whizlabs #100DaysOfCloud Challenge different?

We admit that we are not the first one to launch a cloud challenge, but our cloud challenge is different in many aspects. Mastering cloud discipline requires your focus on three areas –

1) You should be able to learn and apply the core concepts of the discipline ( We will serve you new content everyday for the next 100 days through all our social channels, webinars, live discussions) so just keep an eye for our daily updates.

2) You are connected with the community of practitioners – That’s why we want you to invite your friends and peers to take this challenge so that you learn with your peers. Additionally, we will introduce you to best communities, forums and private groups (including some hidden gems which are known to a chosen few)

3)You know who you can go to for discussing difficult scenarios, new innovations, and validating ideas and trends – We will introduce you to one cloud thought leader every day for the next 100 days. You can follow them to track what’s happening in the industry.

With Whizlabs #100DaysOfCloud challenge, you can plan for any cloud certification targets for yourself and use any study material of your choice. We will make sure you are motivated enough to pursue your journey of 100 days by rewarding you for your hardwork and dedication. These rewards include free courses and practices, discounts, and cash prizes.

2. How will I learn Cloud over the next 100 days?

You can choose our own certification path for these 100 days. You can reach out to us if you need help with choosing the right certification for yourself. Once decided, you can opt for any study material which you find suitable and start your preparation, while making sure to complete different tasks on your dashboard and be on top of the leaderboard to be eligible for the rewards.

3. Do I need to get any certification in order to pass the cloud challenge?

During this challenge, we will have weekly contests, 3 monthly contests, and 1 finale contest. For the weekly & monthly contests, you simply need to be on top of the leaderboard by completing the tasks, while preparing for your certification. But, for the finale, i.e., 100 days, you need to earn at least 1 official cloud certification (AWS/Azure/GCP,etc.), along with top rank in the leaderboard in order to be rewarded.

4. How many certifications can I take?

You can achieve any number of certifications during these 100 days, depending on your ability. However, the minimum criteria to get rewarded is to earn at least 1 official certification.

5. 100 days is a long period, what if I am not ready to commit that longer?

If 100 days seem overwhelming to you, pick a smaller target- say 60 or 30 days, but make sure you stick to it. Remember, the best path to success is to challenge yourself! Aim high, we are here to keep you motivated.

6. If all your content is visible publicly, what’s the point in signing up for the challenge?

The Social media content will be available for everyone. You can access the contest even if you have not signed up for the challenge, by simply following us on social media, but in order to be eligible for the Weekly, Monthly, and the Finale rewards, you need to sign up for the challenge at bit.ly/cloudwhizard100.

About Pavan Gumaste

Pavan Rao is a programmer / Developer by Profession and Cloud Computing Professional by choice with in-depth knowledge in AWS, Azure, Google Cloud Platform. He helps the organisation figure out what to build, ensure successful delivery, and incorporate user learning to improve the strategy and product further.

2 thoughts on “100 Days of Cloud – Whizlabs Challenge”

    1. Please try again at https://upvir.al/115738/whizlabs. If you are still facing issues, please contact our customer care support.

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