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Advanced Java Course

Advanced Java Course

136 Learners


166 Videos

Video Course

Course Overview

  • This Advanced Java course will help you master intermediate-level concepts and upgrade your existing java knowledge to advanced level.
  • It covers essential topics and best practices for writing code that is more concise, readable, and maintainable. The advanced Java course will teach you about lambda expressions, streams, and other advanced features of the language.
  • As a result of completing this advanced Java course , you will be able to write clear and concise code that is easier to read and debug. You will also be equipped with a deeper understanding of how these concepts impact performance and application design as a whole.

Key Features of the Course

  • 165+ Detailed videos
  • Created by certified Java experts
  • 100% coverage of the syllabus
  • Unlimited access for 2 years
  • Auto-updates to the course content
  • 24/7 Subject Matter Expert’s support

Why should you take this Advanced Java Course?

To learn complex topics in Java:
This Advanced Java course helps you learn about complex topics in Java such as advanced object-oriented features, Golang code integration, Design Patterns, and much more.

For a solid career in Java:
With the rise of Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Big Data, and IoT, the scope of Java as a lucrative programming language is only going to grow. If you are serious about anchoring a solid career in java or want to take your coding skills to the next level, learning this Advanced Java Course is an excellent first step.

Stay ahead of your peers:
As demand for programmers skilled in this Java language continues to rise, now is the perfect time to boost your knowledge with this Advanced Java course and stay ahead in your java programming career.

What are the prerequisites for this Advanced Java Course?

Before enrolling into this Advanced Java Course, you should have a deep understanding of Java primitives and OOP concepts.
If you have a good understanding of fundamentals in java programming with practical work experience or if you have already completed OCA, OCP, OCM certifications on Java (SE-8, SE-11), then this course is suitable for you.

What are the exam topics covered in this Java Advance Course?

These are the most important topics covered in the Advanced Java course syllabus.This course also covers some more niche topics such as functional programming, type inference, and type annotations.

Java Advanced class design:
When developing any application, it is important to consider the long-term viability of design decisions. This Advanced Java course will cover topics such as class design and decorators, as well as how to use functional programming concepts. A fundamental concept explored throughout this Java course.

Exceptions & Collections in Java
This topic explores the usage of exceptions, as well as the different types of exceptions that exist and how to handle them. Java has several built-in collections, such as “array”, “map”, “list” that are designed to store and retrieve data.

Generic vs Functional Programming
With generic programming, the code is written in a specific way for a specific type of data, whereas with functional programming, the code is written in a way that doesn’t specify the data type. This topic is elaborated in this course.

Working with the File system
In this topic, you will learn about the built-in API provided by Java for working with file system operations, such as reading and writing files, creating new folders, etc. This API is implemented in the java.io package and can be used with any other Java programming language.

Optionals in Java
Optional types are a new language feature added in Java 8 that allows us to represent a value that either has a valid value, or no value at all. This Advanced Java course will go into more detail about what optionals are and how they are used in Java.

Multithreading and Java concurrency API
This topic will cover the Concurrency API and Executor Framework, and how they are used in multithreaded Java applications.

Java Networking
This is one of the advanced domain where you cover the difference between blocking and non-blocking code, and how to use some of the networking classes included in Java, such as “URL”, “HTTPSURL”, “URLConnection”, “Socket”, “SSLContext”, “SSLEngine”, etc.

Working with a RDBMS
In this course, you will explore topics related to RDBMS, such as JDBC, SQL, No-SQL, and Parse SQL. JDBC is the most popular Java API for connecting to a relational database.

Included in this course

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    Video Course166 Videos Available
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